Luc G. Bulot
Luc G. Bulot
Chercheur CNRS, Goeosciences Ocean, Brest
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Paleoceanographic changes during the early Cretaceous (Valanginian–Hauterivian): evidence from oxygen and carbon stable isotopes
B Van De Schootbrugge, KB Föllmi, LG Bulot, SJ Burns
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 181 (1-2), 15-31, 2000
Report on the 4th international meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous ammonite working group, the “Kilian Group”(Dijon, France, 30th August 2010)
S Reboulet, PF Rawson, JA Moreno-Bedmar, MB Aguirre-Urreta, ...
Cretaceous Research 32 (6), 786-793, 2011
The Lower Cretaceous Chañarcillo and Neuquén Andean basins: ammonoid biostratigraphy and correlations
MB Aguirre‐Urreta, FA Mourgues, PF Rawson, LG Bulot, E Jaillard
Geological Journal 42 (2), 143-173, 2007
Fixing a basal Berriasian and Jurassic/Cretaceous (J/K) boundary–is there perhaps some light at the end of the tunnel
WAP Wimbledon, CE Casellato, D Rehakova, LG Bulot, E Erba, S Gardin, ...
Rivista Italiana di paleontologia e Stratigrafia 117 (2), 295-307, 2011
Ammonite zonation for the Lower Cretaceous of the Mediterranean Rgion; Basis for the stratigraphic correlations within IGCP-Project 262.
PJ Hoedemaeker, MBA Urreta, E Avram, TN Bogdanova, L Bujtor, L Bulot, ...
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology 8 (1), 117-120, 1993
Report on the 5th International Workshop of the Lower Cretaceous Cephalopod Team (Vienna, 5 September 2000)
PJ Hoedemaeker, PF Rawson
Cretaceous Research 21 (6), 857-860, 2000
Síntesis estratigráfica y sedimentológica del Cretáceo y Paleógeno de la cuenca oriental del Ecuador
E Jaillard, M Caron, A Dhondt, M Ordoñez, R Andrade, P Bengtson, ...
Orstom-Petroproduccion eds 164, 1997
Barremian-Lower Albian sequence stratigraphy of southwest Iran (Gadvan, Dariyan and Kazhdumi formations) and its comparison with Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates
FSP van Buchem, D Baghbani, LG Bulot, M Caron, F Gaumet, A Hosseini, ...
Depositional sequences, diagenesis and structural control of the Albian to Turonian carbonate platform systems in coastal Fars (SW Iran)
B Vincent, FSP van Buchem, LG Bulot, M Jalali, R Swennen, AS Hosseini, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 63, 46-67, 2015
Carbon-isotope stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and organic matter distribution in the Aptian–Lower Albian successions of southwest Iran (Dariyan and Kazhdumi formations)
B Vincent, FSP van Buchem, LG Bulot, A Immenhauser, M Caron, ...
Le cadre stratigraphique du Valanginien supérieur et de l’Hauterivien du Sud-Est de la France: définition des biochronozones et caractérisation de nouveaux biohorizons
LG Bulot, JP Thieuloy, E Blanc, J Klein
Géologie alpine 68 (1), 1992
Preliminary ammonite zonation for the Lower Cretaceous of the Mediterranean region
PJ Hoedemaeker, L Bulot
Géologie alpine (Grenoble) 66, 123-127, 1990
C-isotope stratigraphy, a calibration tool between ammonite-and magnetostratigraphy: the Valanginian-Hauterivian transition
S Hennig, H Weissert, L Bulot
Geologica carpathica 50 (1), 91-95, 1999
An account of the bio-and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Tithonian-Lower Berriasian interval at Le Chouet, Drôme (SE France)
WAP Wimbledon, D Rehakova, A Pszczó³kowski, CE Casellato, ...
Geologica Carpathica 64 (6), 437-460, 2013
Stratigraphy and evolution of the Cretaceous forearc Celica-Lancones basin of southwestern Ecuador
E Jaillard, G Laubacher, P Bengtson, AV Dhondt, LG Bulot
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1), 51-68, 1999
Lower Cretaceous stage durations combining radiometric data and orbital chronology: towards a more stable relative time scale?
N Fiet, X Quidelleur, O Parize, LG Bulot, PY Gillot
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246 (3-4), 407-417, 2006
Les formations à ammonites du Crétacé inférieur du Sud-Est de la France (Berriasien à Hauterivien): biostratigraphie, paléontologie et cycles sédimentaires
L Bulot
Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 1995
Chemostratigraphic correlation of Barremian and lower Aptian ammonite zones and magnetic reversals
L Wissler, H Weissert, JP Masse, L Bulot
International Journal of Earth Sciences 91, 272-279, 2002
Les biohorizons du Valanginien du Sud-Est de la France: un outil fondamental pour les corrélations au sein de la Téthys occidentale: Lower cretaceous cephalopod biostratigraphy …
LG BULOT, JP Thieuloy
Géologie alpine. Mémoires HS, 15-41, 1994
Litho-and biostratigraphy, facies patterns and depositional sequences of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits in the Ksour Mountains (Saharan Atlas, Algeria)
M Benyoucef, K Mebarki, B Ferré, M Adaci, LG Bulot, D Desmares, ...
Cretaceous Research 78, 34-55, 2017
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Articles 1–20