Oleg Granichin
Cited by
Cited by
Randomized Algorithms in Automatic Control and Data Mining
O Granichin, ZV Volkovich, D Toledano-Kitai
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015
Randomized Algorithms of an Estimation and Optimization Under Almost Arbitrary Noises
ON Granichin, BT Polyak
M.: Nauka, 2003
Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation for tracking under unknown but bounded disturbances
O Granichin, N Amelina
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 60 (6), 1653-1658, 2015
Linear regression and filtering under nonstandard assumptions (Arbitrary noise)
O Granichin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (10), 1830-1837, 2004
Discrete-time minimum tracking based on stochastic approximation algorithm with randomized differences
O Granichin, L Gurevich, A Vakhitov
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Adaptive autonomous soaring of multiple UAVs using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation
C Antal, O Granichin, S Levi
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3656-3661, 2010
An optimal controller of a linear pjlant subjected to constrained noise
AE Barabanov, ON Granichin
Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 39-46, 1984
Toward optimal distributed node scheduling in a multihop wireless network through local voting
DJ Vergados, N Amelina, Y Jiang, K Kralevska, O Granichin
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (1), 400-414, 2017
Adaptive control of SISO plant with time-varying coefficients based on random test perturbation
A Vakhitov, V Vlasov, O Granichin
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, 4004-4009, 2010
Optimal controller for linear plant with bounded noise
AE Barabanov, ON Granichin
Automation and Remote Control 45 (5 Part 1), 578-584, 1984
Procedure of stochastic approximation with disturbances at the input
ON Granichin
Automation and Remote Control 53 (2), 232-237, 1992
A stochastic recursive procedure with dependent noises in the observation that uses sample perturbations in the input
ON Granichin
Vestnik Leningrad Univ. Math 22 (1), 4, 1989
Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation-based consensus for tracking under unknown-but-bounded disturbances
O Granichin, V Erofeeva, Y Ivanskiy, Y Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (8), 3710-3717, 2020
Randomized Control Strategies under Arbitrary External Noise
K Amelin, O Granichin
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2015
Comparing adaptive and non-adaptive models of cargo transportation in multi-agent system for real time truck scheduling
O Granichin, P Skobelev, A Lada, I Mayorov, A Tsarev
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications …, 2012
Local voting protocol in decentralized load balancing problem with switched topology, noise, and delays
N Amelina, O Granichin, A Kornivetc
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4613-4618, 2013
Cargo transportation models analysis using multi-agent adaptive real-time truck scheduling system
O Granichin, P Skobelev, A Lada, I Mayorov, A Tsarev
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2, 244-249, 2013
Randomized algorithm for uavs group flight optimization
K Amelin, N Amelina, O Granichin, O Granichina, B Andrievsky
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (11), 205-208, 2013
Multi-agent stochastic systems with switched topology and noise
K Amelin, N Amelina, O Granichin, O Granichina
2012 13th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2012
Patterning of writing style evolution by means of dynamic similarity
K Amelin, O Granichin, N Kizhaeva, Z Volkovich
Pattern Recognition 77, 45-64, 2018
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Articles 1–20