Chris Turville
Chris Turville
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Cited by
Cited by
Western North Pacific tropical cyclone tracks in CMIP5 models: Statistical assessment using a model-independent detection and tracking scheme
SS Bell, SS Chand, SJ Camargo, KJ Tory, C Turville, H Ye
Journal of Climate 32 (21), 7191-7208, 2019
Projections of southern hemisphere tropical cyclone track density using CMIP5 models
SS Bell, SS Chand, KJ Tory, AJ Dowdy, C Turville, H Ye
Climate Dynamics 52, 6065-6079, 2019
Weed management for landscape scale restoration of global temperate grasslands
T Humphries, SK Florentine, K Dowling, C Turville, S Sinclair
Land Degradation & Development 32 (3), 1090-1102, 2021
North Indian Ocean tropical cyclone activity in CMIP5 experiments: future projections using a model-independent detection and tracking scheme
SS Bell, SS Chand, KJ Tory, H Ye, C Turville
Int. J. Climatol 40 (15), 6492-6505, 2020
Data mining of the Australian adverse drug reactions database: a comparison of Bayesian and other statistical indicators
JT Harvey, T C, B SM
International Transactions in Operational Research 11 (4), 419-433, 2004
Eastern North Pacific tropical cyclone activity in historical and future CMIP5 experiments: assessment with a model-independent tracking scheme
SS Bell, SS Chand, KJ Tory, C Turville, H Ye
Climate Dynamics 53, 4841-4855, 2019
Undergraduate mathematics curricula—A new angle
R Pierce, C Turville, J Giri
New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 32 (supplementary issue), 155-161, 2003
A data mining application of the incidence semirings
J Abawajy, AV Kelarev, JL Yearwood, C Turville
Houston J. Math 39 (4), 1083-1093, 2013
Quicksmart Introductory Physics
C Turville
Pascal Press, 1995
Data Mining of the Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Database
JT Harvey, C Turville, SM Barty
HIC 2002: Proceedings: Improving Quality by Lowering Barriers, [359-366], 2002
Evaluation of Florpyrauxifen-benzyl for the control of Cyperus aromaticus (Navua sedge)
A Chadha, SK Florentine, K Dhileepan, C Turville, K Dowling
Advances in Weed Science 40, e0202200048, 2022
Using Stereotypes to Improve Early-Match Poker Play
R Layton, P Vamplew, C Turville
AI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 21st Australasian Joint …, 2008
Seed ecology of the arid zone invasive thistle; Centaurea melitensis L.: A study of the effects of seasonal temperature, pH, salinity and moisture stress
T Humphries, SL Weller, A Mahony, MM Javaid, C Turville, S Florentine
Weed Research 64 (6), 445-455, 2024
Assessing Seed Longevity of the Invasive Weed Navua Sedge (Cyperus aromaticus), by Artificial Ageing. Plants 2022, 11, 3469
A Chadha, SK Florentine, K Dhileepan, C Turville
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2022
Weed management for the land-scape scale restoration of global temperate grasslands: a review.
T Humphries, S Florentine, K Dowling, C Turville, S Sinclair
Authorea Preprints, 2020
Withdrawn: Projecting Tropical Cyclone Activity with a Model-and Basin-Independent Detection and Tracking Scheme using CMIP5 Models.
SS Bell, S Chand, KJ Tory, A Dowdy, C Turville
99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2019
FedUni ResearchOnline
SSS Bell, SSJ Chand, C Turville, SJ Camargo, KJ Tory, H Ye
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Articles 1–17