Khaled Elsayes
Khaled Elsayes
Professor of Abdominal Imaging
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Cited by
Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) version 2018: imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma in at-risk patients
V Chernyak, KJ Fowler, A Kamaya, AZ Kielar, KM Elsayes, MR Bashir, ...
Radiology 289 (3), 816-830, 2018
Inflammatory pseudotumor: the great mimicker
M Patnana, AB Sevrukov, KM Elsayes, C Viswanathan, M Lubner, ...
American Journal of Roentgenology 198 (3), W217-W227, 2012
Imaging manifestations of Meckel's diverticulum
KM Elsayes, CO Menias, HJ Harvin, IR Francis
American Journal of Roentgenology 189 (1), 81-88, 2007
Adrenal masses: MR imaging features with pathologic correlation
KM Elsayes, G Mukundan, VR Narra, JS Lewis Jr, A Shirkhoda, A Farooki, ...
Radiographics 24 (suppl_1), S73-S86, 2004
Imaging of the placenta: a multimodality pictorial review
KM Elsayes, AT Trout, AM Friedkin, PS Liu, RO Bude, JF Platt, CO Menias
Radiographics 29 (5), 1371-1391, 2009
MR imaging of the spleen: spectrum of abnormalities
KM Elsayes, VR Narra, G Mukundan, JS Lewis Jr, CO Menias, JP Heiken
Radiographics 25 (4), 967-982, 2005
2017 version of LI-RADS for CT and MR imaging: an update
KM Elsayes, JC Hooker, MM Agrons, AZ Kielar, A Tang, KJ Fowler, ...
Radiographics 37 (7), 1994-2017, 2017
Role of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma, pathogenesis, and clinical significance
AM Khalaf, D Fuentes, AI Morshid, MR Burke, AO Kaseb, M Hassan, ...
Journal of hepatocellular carcinoma, 61-73, 2018
Focal hepatic lesions: diagnostic value of enhancement pattern approach with contrast-enhanced 3D gradient-echo MR imaging
KM Elsayes, VR Narra, Y Yin, G Mukundan, M Lammle, JJ Brown
Radiographics 25 (5), 1299-1320, 2005
Angiosarcoma: clinical and imaging features from head to toe
AH Gaballah, CT Jensen, S Palmquist, PJ Pickhardt, A Duran, G Broering, ...
The British journal of radiology 90 (1075), 20170039, 2017
CT enterography: principles, trends, and interpretation of findings
KM Elsayes, MM Al-Hawary, J Jagdish, HS Ganesh, JF Platt
Radiographics 30 (7), 1955-1970, 2010
Ovarian malignant germ cell tumors: cellular classification and clinical and imaging features
AM Shaaban, M Rezvani, KM Elsayes, H Baskin Jr, A Mourad, BR Foster, ...
Radiographics 34 (3), 777-801, 2014
Interleukin-6 blockade abrogates immunotherapy toxicity and promotes tumor immunity
Y Hailemichael, DH Johnson, N Abdel-Wahab, WC Foo, SE Bentebibel, ...
Cancer Cell 40 (5), 509-523. e6, 2022
Gestational trophoblastic disease: clinical and imaging features
AM Shaaban, M Rezvani, RR Haroun, AM Kennedy, KM Elsayes, ...
Radiographics 37 (2), 681-700, 2017
Heterotopic pancreas: histopathologic features, imaging findings, and complications
M Rezvani, C Menias, K Sandrasegaran, JD Olpin, KM Elsayes, ...
Radiographics 37 (2), 484-499, 2017
Beyond the GIST: mesenchymal tumors of the stomach
HC Kang, CO Menias, AH Gaballah, S Shroff, MW Taggart, N Garg, ...
Radiographics 33 (6), 1673-1690, 2013
Cross-sectional imaging of acute and chronic gallbladder inflammatory disease
EA Smith, JR Dillman, KM Elsayes, CO Menias, RO Bude
American Journal of Roentgenology 192 (1), 188-196, 2009
LI-RADS: a conceptual and historical review from its beginning to its recent integration into AASLD clinical practice guidance
KM Elsayes, AZ Kielar, V Chernyak, A Morshid, A Furlan, WR Masch, ...
Journal of hepatocellular carcinoma, 49-69, 2019
Imaging features of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
D Ganeshan, J Szklaruk, V Kundra, A Kaseb, A Rashid, KM Elsayes
American Journal of Roentgenology 202 (3), 544-552, 2014
A machine learning model to predict hepatocellular carcinoma response to transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
A Morshid, KM Elsayes, AM Khalaf, MM Elmohr, J Yu, AO Kaseb, ...
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 1 (5), e180021, 2019
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Articles 1–20