Kihumuro Phillip
Kihumuro Phillip
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
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Agroforestry governance for operationalising the landscape approach: connecting conservation and farming actors
EWJH Yves Zinngrebe, Elena Borasino, Brian Chiputwa, Philip Dobie, Edwin ...
Sustainability Science 15 (4), 17, 2020
Providing targeted incentives for trees on farms: A transdisciplinary research methodology applied in Uganda and Peru
J Rode, MM Escobar, SJ Khan, E Borasino, P Kihumuro, CA Okia, ...
Earth System Governance 16, 100172, 2023
Agroforestry governance for operationalising the landscape approach: connecting conservation and farming actors. Sustain Sci 15: 1417–1434
Y Zinngrebe, E Borasino, B Chiputwa, P Dobie, E Garcia, A Gassner, ...
The roles of trees on farms in Uganda: Current status and policy recommendations for future development
G Kiyingi, P Kihumuro, C Okia
World Agroforestry Centre, 2020
Agroforestry governance for operationalising the landscape approach: connecting conservation and farming actors. Sust Sci
Y Zinngrebe, E Borasino, B Chiputwa, P Dobie, E Garcia, A Gassner, ...
Local Costs and Benefits from Conservation and Oil Development: A study from Kabwoya Wildlife Reserve, Uganda
IU Bakken
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for …, 2013
Mapping tree community composition gradi-ents in forest-agriculture mosaic landscapes with satellite remote sensing: potential and limitations
SB Harrison, RD Harrison, P Kihumuro, EB Ntawuhiganayo, E Garcia, ...
Trees on farms, 29, 2022
Assessing the distribution and habitat use of chimpanzees in the corridor forests located between Budongo and Bugoma Forest reserves in the Murchison- Semliki Landscape- REDD+
S Ayebare, P Kihumuro, L Miguel, S Nampindo …, 2018
Niche Separation in Poly-specific Primate Assemblages: Feeding and grooming behaviour of Guereza’s Colobus (Colobus angolensis ruwenzorii) and Red colobus (Procolobus …
P Kihumuro
10.13140/RG.2.1.3745.6246, 2016
Spatial Distribution of Snares in Budongo Forest
P Kihumuro
Makerere University, 2008
FEATURE: Can we grow our way out of the charcoal crisis?
P Dobie
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Articles 1–11