Malin Kylander
Malin Kylander
Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University
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Cited by
High‐resolution X‐ray fluorescence core scanning analysis of Les Echets (France) sedimentary sequence: new insights from chemical proxies
ME Kylander, L Ampel, B Wohlfarth, D Veres
Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (1), 109-117, 2011
Normalizing XRF-scanner data: a cautionary note on the interpretation of high-resolution records from organic-rich lakes
L Löwemark, HF Chen, TN Yang, M Kylander, EF Yu, YW Hsu, TQ Lee, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 40 (6), 1250-1256, 2011
Refining the pre-industrial atmospheric Pb isotope evolution curve in Europe using an 8000 year old peat core from NW Spain
ME Kylander, DJ Weiss, AM Cortizas, B Spiro, R Garcia-Sanchez, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240 (2), 467-485, 2005
Stable lead isotope compositions in selected coals from around the world and implications for present day aerosol source tracing
M Díaz-Somoano, ME Kylander, MA López-Antón, I Suárez-Ruiz, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 43 (4), 1078-1085, 2009
Possible evidence for wet Heinrich phases in tropical NE Australia: the Lynch's Crater deposit
J Muller, M Kylander, RAJ Wüst, D Weiss, A Martinez-Cortizas, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (5-6), 468-475, 2008
Recommendations for using XRF core scanning as a tool in tephrochronology
ME Kylander, EM Lind, S Wastegård, L Löwemark
The Holocene 22 (3), 371-375, 2012
Inference of abrupt changes in noisy geochemical records using transdimensional changepoint models
K Gallagher, T Bodin, M Sambridge, D Weiss, M Kylander, D Large
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 311 (1-2), 182-194, 2011
Early atmospheric metal pollution provides evidence for Chalcolithic/Bronze Age mining and metallurgy in Southwestern Europe
AM Cortizas, L López-Merino, R Bindler, T Mighall, ME Kylander
Science of the Total Environment 545, 398-406, 2016
Testing commonly used X‐ray fluorescence core scanning‐based proxies for organic‐rich lake sediments and peat
S Chawchai, ME Kylander, A Chabangborn, L Löwemark, B Wohlfarth
Boreas 45 (1), 180-189, 2016
Geochemical responses to paleoclimatic changes in southern Sweden since the late glacial: the Hässeldala Port lake sediment record
ME Kylander, J Klaminder, B Wohlfarth, L Löwemark
Journal of paleolimnology 50, 57-70, 2013
The use of principle component analyses in characterising trace and major elemental distribution in a 55 kyr peat deposit in tropical Australia: implications to paleoclimate
J Muller, M Kylander, A Martinez-Cortizas, RAJ Wüst, D Weiss, K Blake, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (2), 449-463, 2008
Accurate and precise Pb isotope ratio measurements in environmental samples by MC-ICP-MS
DJ Weiss, B Kober, A Dolgopolova, K Gallagher, B Spiro, G Le Roux, ...
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 232 (3), 205-215, 2004
A novel geochemical approach to paleorecords of dust deposition and effective humidity: 8500 years of peat accumulation at Store Mosse (the “Great Bog”), Sweden
ME Kylander, R Bindler, AM Cortizas, K Gallagher, CM Mörth, S Rauch
Quaternary Science Reviews 69, 69-82, 2013
Impact of automobile emissions on the levels of platinum and lead in Accra, Ghana
ME Kylander, S Rauch, GM Morrison, K Andam
Journal of environmental monitoring 5 (1), 91-95, 2003
Natural lead isotope variations in the atmosphere
ME Kylander, J Klaminder, R Bindler, DJ Weiss
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290 (1-2), 44-53, 2010
Atmospheric Pb pollution in N Iberia during the late Iron Age/Roman times reconstructed using the high-resolution record of La Molina mire (Asturias, Spain)
A Martínez Cortizas, L López-Merino, R Bindler, T Mighall, M Kylander
Journal of Paleolimnology 50, 71-86, 2013
Rare earth element and Pb isotope variations in a 52 kyr peat core from Lynch’s Crater (NE Queensland, Australia): Proxy development and application to paleoclimate in the …
ME Kylander, J Muller, RAJ Wüst, K Gallagher, R Garcia-Sanchez, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (4), 942-960, 2007
Lake Kumphawapi–an archive of Holocene palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic changes in northeast Thailand
S Chawchai, A Chabangborn, M Kylander, L Löwemark, CM Mörth, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 68, 59-75, 2013
Human bones tell the story of atmospheric mercury and lead exposure at the edge of Roman World
O López-Costas, M Kylander, N Mattielli, N Álvarez-Fernández, ...
Science of the Total Environment 710, 136319, 2020
Two high resolution terrestrial records of atmospheric Pb deposition from New Brunswick, Canada, and Loch Laxford, Scotland
ME Kylander, DJ Weiss, B Kober
Science of the Total Environment 407 (5), 1644-1657, 2009
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Articles 1–20