Inon Zuckerman
Inon Zuckerman
Head of the IE&M department, Ariel University
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Cited by
NegoChat: a chat-based negotiation agent.
A Rosenfeld, I Zuckerman, E Segal-Halevi, O Drein, S Kraus
AAMAS, 525-532, 2014
Combining psychological models with machine learning to better predict people’s decisions
A Rosenfeld, I Zuckerman, A Azaria, S Kraus
Synthese 189, 81-93, 2012
NegoChat-A: a chat-based negotiation agent with bounded rationality
A Rosenfeld, I Zuckerman, E Segal-Halevi, O Drein, S Kraus
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 30, 60-81, 2016
Manipulating Boolean games through communication
J Grant, S Kraus, M Wooldridge, I Zuckerman
IJCAI, 210-215, 2011
Using focal point learning to improve human–machine tacit coordination
I Zuckerman, S Kraus, JS Rosenschein
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 22, 289-316, 2011
Collectivism-individualism: Strategic behavior in tacit coordination games
D Mizrahi, I Laufer, I Zuckerman
PLoS One 15 (2), e0226929, 2020
Using a stochastic agent model to optimize performance in divergent interest tacit coordination games
D Mizrahi, I Zuckerman, I Laufer
Sensors 20 (24), 7026, 2020
The effect of individual coordination ability on cognitive-load in tacit coordination games
D Mizrahi, I Laufer, I Zuckerman
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2020, 244-252, 2020
The life game: Cognitive strategies for repeated stochastic games
KL Cheng, I Zuckerman, D Nau, J Golbeck
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and …, 2011
Mixing Search Strategies for Multi-Player Games.
I Zuckerman, A Felner, S Kraus
IJCAI 9, 646-652, 2009
An electrophysiological model for assessing cognitive load in tacit coordination games
I Laufer, D Mizrahi, I Zuckerman
Sensors 22 (2), 477, 2022
The effect of culture and social orientation on Player’s performances in tacit coordination games
D Mizrahi, I Laufer, I Zuckerman, T Zhang
Brain Informatics: International Conference, BI 2018, Arlington, TX, USA …, 2018
Guiding user choice during discussion by silence, examples and justifications
M Fenster, I Zuckerman, S Kraus
ECAI 2012, 330-335, 2012
Level-K classification from EEG signals using transfer learning
D Mizrahi, I Zuckerman, I Laufer
Sensors 21 (23), 7908, 2021
Topographic analysis of cognitive load in tacit coordination games based on electrophysiological measurements
D Mizrahi, I Laufer, I Zuckerman
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2021, 162-171, 2021
Towards automated negotiation agents that use chat interfaces
I Zuckerman, A Rosenfeld, S Kraus, E Segal-Halevi
The sixth international workshop on agent-based complex automated …, 2013
Predicting focal point solution in divergent interest tacit coordination games
D Mizrahi, I Laufer, I Zuckerman
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 35 (6), 933-953, 2023
Individual strategic profiles in tacit coordination games
D Mizrahi, I Laufer, I Zuckerman
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 33 (1), 63-78, 2021
The effect of loss-aversion on strategic behaviour of players in divergent interest tacit coordination games
D Mizrahi, I Laufer, I Zuckerman
International Conference on Brain Informatics, 41-49, 2020
The adversarial activity model for bounded rational agents
I Zuckerman, S Kraus, JS Rosenschein
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 24, 374-409, 2012
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Articles 1–20