Hendrik Falck
Hendrik Falck
Northwest Territories Geological Survey
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Cited by
Climate change and the long-term viability of the World’s busiest heavy haul ice road
D Mullan, G Swindles, T Patterson, J Galloway, A Macumber, H Falck, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129, 1089-1108, 2017
Felsic magmatic phases and the role of late-stage aplitic dykes in the formation of the world-class Cantung Tungsten skarn deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada
KL Rasmussen, DR Lentz, H Falck, DRM Pattison
Ore Geology Reviews 41 (1), 75-111, 2011
Organic matter control on the distribution of arsenic in lake sediments impacted by~ 65 years of gold ore processing in subarctic Canada
JM Galloway, GT Swindles, HE Jamieson, M Palmer, MB Parsons, ...
Science of the Total Environment 622, 1668-1679, 2018
The concentration of arsenic in lake waters of the Yellowknife area
MJ Palmer, JM Galloway, HE Jamieson, RT Patterson, H Falck, SV Kokelj
Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open File 6, 25, 2015
Lacustrine Arcellinina (testate amoebae) as bioindicators of arsenic contamination
NA Nasser, RT Patterson, HM Roe, JM Galloway, H Falck, MJ Palmer, ...
Microbial Ecology 72, 130-149, 2016
Geochemistry of the late Archean Banting Group, Yellowknife greenstone belt, Slave Province, Canada: simultaneous melting of the upper mantle and juvenile mafic crust
B Cousens, K Facey, H Falck
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (11), 1635-1656, 2002
A geological, geochemical and textural study of an LCT pegmatite: Implications for the magmatic versus metasomatic origin of Nb-Ta mineralization in the Moose II pegmatite …
MO Anderson, DR Lentz, CRM McFarlane, H Falck
Journal of Geosciences 58 (4), 299-320, 2013
Deciphering the complex fluid history of a greenstone-hosted gold deposit: fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Giant mine, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
KL Shelton, TA McMenamy, EHP Hees, H Falck
Economic Geology 99 (8), 1643-1663, 2004
The timing of Yellowknife gold mineralization: A temporal relationship with crustal anatexis?
L Ootes, RM Morelli, RA Creaser, DR Lentz, H Falck, WJ Davis
Economic Geology 106 (4), 713-720, 2011
Reconstruction of Holocene hydroclimatic variability in subarctic treeline lakes using lake sediment grain-size end-members
AL Macumber, RT Patterson, JM Galloway, H Falck, GT Swindles
The Holocene 28 (6), 845-857, 2018
The Lened emerald prospect, Northwest Territories, Canada: Insights from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes, with implications for northern Cordilleran emerald
DD Marshall, LA Groat, H Falck, G Giuliani, H Neufeld
Canadian Mineralogist 42 (5), 1523-1539, 2004
Middle to late Holocene chironomid-inferred July temperatures for the central Northwest Territories, Canada
LM Upiter, JC Vermaire, RT Patterson, CA Crann, JM Galloway, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 52, 11-26, 2014
Geochemistry of lakes across ecozones in the Northwest Territories and implications for the distribution of arsenic in the Yellowknife region
JM Galloway, M Palmer, HE Jamieson, RT Patterson, N Nasser, H Falck, ...
Part 1, 10.4095, 2015
Sediment accumulation rates in subarctic lakes: Insights into age-depth modeling from 22 dated lake records from the Northwest Territories, Canada
CA Crann, RT Patterson, AL Macumber, JM Galloway, HM Roe, M Blaauw, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 27, 131-144, 2015
Metasedimentary influence on metavolcanic-rock–hosted greenstone gold deposits: Geochemistry of the Giant mine, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
EHP van Hees, KL Shelton, TA McMenamy, LM Ross Jr, BL Cousens, ...
Geology 27 (1), 71-74, 1999
Mineralogical, geospatial, and statistical methods combined to estimate geochemical background of arsenic in soils for an area impacted by legacy mining pollution
MJ Palmer, HE Jamieson, AB Radková, K Maitland, J Oliver, H Falck, ...
Science of the Total Environment 776, 145926, 2021
Total arsenic concentrations of lake sediments near the City of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
JM Galloway, H Sanei, RT Patterson, T Mosstajiri, T Hadlari, H Falck
Geological Survey of Canada, 2012
Metallogenic evolution of the Mackenzie and eastern Selwyn Mountains of Canada’s Northern Cordillera, Northwest Territories: A compilation and review
L Ootes, SA Gleeson, E Turner, K Rasmussen, S Gordey, H Falck, ...
Geoscience Canada 40 (1), 40-69, 2013
What killed Frame Lake? A precautionary tale for urban planners
MJ Gavel, RT Patterson, NA Nasser, JM Galloway, BW Hanna, PA Cott, ...
PeerJ 6, e4850, 2018
Fluid evolution of the Cantung tungsten skarn, Northwest Territories, Canada: Differentiation and fluid-rock interaction
H Legros, P Lecumberri-Sanchez, V Elongo, O Laurent, H Falck, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 127, 103866, 2020
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Articles 1–20