Climate change and the long-term viability of the World’s busiest heavy haul ice road D Mullan, G Swindles, T Patterson, J Galloway, A Macumber, H Falck, ... Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129, 1089-1108, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Felsic magmatic phases and the role of late-stage aplitic dykes in the formation of the world-class Cantung Tungsten skarn deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada KL Rasmussen, DR Lentz, H Falck, DRM Pattison Ore Geology Reviews 41 (1), 75-111, 2011 | 74 | 2011 |
Organic matter control on the distribution of arsenic in lake sediments impacted by~ 65 years of gold ore processing in subarctic Canada JM Galloway, GT Swindles, HE Jamieson, M Palmer, MB Parsons, ... Science of the Total Environment 622, 1668-1679, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
The concentration of arsenic in lake waters of the Yellowknife area MJ Palmer, JM Galloway, HE Jamieson, RT Patterson, H Falck, SV Kokelj Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open File 6, 25, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Lacustrine Arcellinina (testate amoebae) as bioindicators of arsenic contamination NA Nasser, RT Patterson, HM Roe, JM Galloway, H Falck, MJ Palmer, ... Microbial Ecology 72, 130-149, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
Geochemistry of the late Archean Banting Group, Yellowknife greenstone belt, Slave Province, Canada: simultaneous melting of the upper mantle and juvenile mafic crust B Cousens, K Facey, H Falck Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (11), 1635-1656, 2002 | 51 | 2002 |
A geological, geochemical and textural study of an LCT pegmatite: Implications for the magmatic versus metasomatic origin of Nb-Ta mineralization in the Moose II pegmatite … MO Anderson, DR Lentz, CRM McFarlane, H Falck Journal of Geosciences 58 (4), 299-320, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Deciphering the complex fluid history of a greenstone-hosted gold deposit: fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Giant mine, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada KL Shelton, TA McMenamy, EHP Hees, H Falck Economic Geology 99 (8), 1643-1663, 2004 | 47 | 2004 |
The timing of Yellowknife gold mineralization: A temporal relationship with crustal anatexis? L Ootes, RM Morelli, RA Creaser, DR Lentz, H Falck, WJ Davis Economic Geology 106 (4), 713-720, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
Reconstruction of Holocene hydroclimatic variability in subarctic treeline lakes using lake sediment grain-size end-members AL Macumber, RT Patterson, JM Galloway, H Falck, GT Swindles The Holocene 28 (6), 845-857, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
The Lened emerald prospect, Northwest Territories, Canada: Insights from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes, with implications for northern Cordilleran emerald DD Marshall, LA Groat, H Falck, G Giuliani, H Neufeld Canadian Mineralogist 42 (5), 1523-1539, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Middle to late Holocene chironomid-inferred July temperatures for the central Northwest Territories, Canada LM Upiter, JC Vermaire, RT Patterson, CA Crann, JM Galloway, ... Journal of Paleolimnology 52, 11-26, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
Geochemistry of lakes across ecozones in the Northwest Territories and implications for the distribution of arsenic in the Yellowknife region JM Galloway, M Palmer, HE Jamieson, RT Patterson, N Nasser, H Falck, ... Part 1, 10.4095, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Sediment accumulation rates in subarctic lakes: Insights into age-depth modeling from 22 dated lake records from the Northwest Territories, Canada CA Crann, RT Patterson, AL Macumber, JM Galloway, HM Roe, M Blaauw, ... Quaternary Geochronology 27, 131-144, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Metasedimentary influence on metavolcanic-rock–hosted greenstone gold deposits: Geochemistry of the Giant mine, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada EHP van Hees, KL Shelton, TA McMenamy, LM Ross Jr, BL Cousens, ... Geology 27 (1), 71-74, 1999 | 34 | 1999 |
Mineralogical, geospatial, and statistical methods combined to estimate geochemical background of arsenic in soils for an area impacted by legacy mining pollution MJ Palmer, HE Jamieson, AB Radková, K Maitland, J Oliver, H Falck, ... Science of the Total Environment 776, 145926, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Total arsenic concentrations of lake sediments near the City of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories JM Galloway, H Sanei, RT Patterson, T Mosstajiri, T Hadlari, H Falck Geological Survey of Canada, 2012 | 29 | 2012 |
Metallogenic evolution of the Mackenzie and eastern Selwyn Mountains of Canada’s Northern Cordillera, Northwest Territories: A compilation and review L Ootes, SA Gleeson, E Turner, K Rasmussen, S Gordey, H Falck, ... Geoscience Canada 40 (1), 40-69, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
What killed Frame Lake? A precautionary tale for urban planners MJ Gavel, RT Patterson, NA Nasser, JM Galloway, BW Hanna, PA Cott, ... PeerJ 6, e4850, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Fluid evolution of the Cantung tungsten skarn, Northwest Territories, Canada: Differentiation and fluid-rock interaction H Legros, P Lecumberri-Sanchez, V Elongo, O Laurent, H Falck, ... Ore Geology Reviews 127, 103866, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |