Michael Everdell
Michael Everdell
Lecturer, Linguistics, Boston University
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Two types of states: A cross-linguistic study of change-of-state verb roots
J Beavers, M Everdell, K Jerro, H Kauhanen, A Koontz-Garboden, ...
Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 2, 38: 1-15, 2017
States and changes-of-state: A crosslinguistic study of the roots of verbal meaning
J Beavers, M Everdell, K Jerro, H Kauhanen, A Koontz-Garboden, ...
Language, 2021
‘To kill’and ‘to die’(and Other Suppletive Verbs) in Uto-Aztecan
JD Haugen, M Everdell
Language Dynamics and Change 5 (2), 227-281, 2015
Constituency and the morphology-syntax divide in the languages of the Americas: towards a distributional typology
AJR Tallman, D Wylie, E Adell, N Bermudez, G Camacho, P Epps, ...
21st Annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages. University of …, 2018
Beyond c-structure and f-structure: On the argument-adjunct distinction in O’dam
M Everdell, PB Melchin, A Asudeh, D Siddiqi
The proceedings of the LFG Conference, 2022
Control the sentence, subordinate the pronoun: on the status of controlled versus non-controlled complement clauses in O’dam
M Everdell, PB Melchin
Proceedings of the 39th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics …, 2021
Uto-Aztecan Lexicostatistics 2.0
JD Haugen, M Everdell, BA Kuperman
International journal of American linguistics 86 (1), 1-30, 2020
A new typology of constituency and convergence
AJR Tallman, EW Campbell, H Uchihara, A Gutiérrez, D Wylie, E Adell, ...
13th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology, 2019
Southern Tepehuan (Durango and Narayit, Mexico)-Language Snapshot
GG Salido, M Everdell
Language Documentation and Description 19, 2020
Supleción en tepehuano del sureste (o’dam)
G Salido, GYM Everdell
Lingüística Mexicana. Nueva Época, I, 81-102, 2019
Flavors of-ga: A possession class suffix in O’dam
M Everdell
Qualifying paper, The University of Texas at Austin, 2018
Reconsidering the Puebloan languages in a Southwestern areal context
MS Everdell
Oberlin College, 2013
Los aplicativos en tepehuano del sureste (o’dam) y tepehuano del suroeste (audam)
M Everdell, G García Salido
Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México 9, 2022
Southeastern Tepehuan
GG Salido, IA Mijarez, M Everdell
International Journal of American Linguistics 87 (S1), S159-S168, 2021
A study of O’dam suppletion and category shift
M Everdell, K Denlinger
Syntax of the World’s Languages 8, 2018
Arguments and adjuncts in O’dam: language-specific realization of a cross-linguistic distinction
M Everdell
The Applicatives in the Southern Tepehuan languages: O’dam and Audam
M Everdell, G García Salido
Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México 9, 2022
1 Our project
A Asudeh, M Everdell, PB Melchin, D Siddiqi
Cristian Juárez
AJR Tallman, M Everdell, AC Woodbury
Michael Everdell
M Everdell, JD Haugen
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Articles 1–20