Antonio del Campo
Antonio del Campo
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The effects of experimental thinning on throughfall and stemflow: A contribution towards hydrology-oriented silviculture in Aleppo pine plantations
AJ Molina, AD del Campo
Forest Ecology and Management 269, 206-213, 2012
Changes in the protein profile of Quercus ilex leaves in response to drought stress and recovery
S Echevarría-Zomeño, D Ariza, I Jorge, C Lenz, A Del Campo, JV Jorrín, ...
Journal of plant physiology 166 (3), 233-245, 2009
Hydrology-oriented (adaptive) silviculture in a semiarid pine plantation: How much can be modified the water cycle through forest management?
AD Del Campo, TJG Fernandes, AJ Molina
European Journal of Forest Research 133, 879-894, 2014
Establishment of Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota [Desf.] Samp. using different weed control strategies in southern Spain
RMN Cerrillo, B Fragueiro, C Ceaceros, A Del Campo, R De Prado
Ecological Engineering 25 (4), 332-342, 2005
Seedling quality and field performance of commercial stocklots of containerized holm oak (Quercus ilex) in Mediterranean Spain: an approach for establishing a …
AD Del Campo, RM Navarro, CJ Ceacero
New Forests 39, 19-37, 2010
Long-term thinning effects on tree growth, drought response and water use efficiency at two Aleppo pine plantations in Spain
À Manrique-Alba, S Beguería, AJ Molina, M González-Sanchis, ...
Science of the total environment 728, 138536, 2020
Site preparation, stock quality and planting date effect on early establishment of Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings
G Palacios, RMN Cerrillo, A del Campo, M Toral
Ecological engineering 35 (1), 38-46, 2009
Morfología y establecimiento de los plantones
RM Navarro, P Villar-Salvador, A Del Campo
Calidad de planta forestal para la restauración en ambientes mediterráneos …, 2006
A global synthesis on the effects of thinning on hydrological processes: Implications for forest management
AD del Campo, K Otsuki, Y Serengil, JA Blanco, R Yousefpour, X Wei
Forest Ecology and Management 519, 120324, 2022
Simultaneous assessment, through sap flow and stable isotopes, of water use efficiency (WUE) in thinned pines shows improvement in growth, tree-climate sensitivity and WUE, but …
TJG Fernandes, AD Del Campo, R Herrera, AJ Molina
Forest Ecology and Management 361, 298-308, 2016
COSMOS-Europe: a European network of cosmic-ray neutron soil moisture sensors
H Bogena, M Schrön, J Jakobi, P Ney, S Zacharias, M Andreasen, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2021, 1-33, 2021
Effect of tree shelter design on water condensation and run-off and its potential benefit for reforestation establishment in semiarid climates
AD del Campo, RM Navarro, A Aguilella, E González
Forest ecology and management 235 (1-3), 107-115, 2006
Distinctive physiological and molecular responses to cold stress among cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive Pinus halepensis seed sources
K Taïbi, AD Del Campo, A Vilagrosa, JM Bellés, MP López-Gresa, ...
BMC plant biology 18, 1-11, 2018
Factores que afectan al éxito de una repoblación y su relación con la calidad de la planta
RMN Cerrillo, A del Campo García, JC Segarra
Calidad de planta forestal para la restauración en ambientes mediterráneos …, 2006
Effectiveness of water-oriented thinning in two semiarid forests: The redistribution of increased net rainfall into soil water, drainage and runoff
AD del Campo, M González-Sanchis, AJ Molina, A García-Prats, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 438, 163-175, 2019
Drought Tolerance in Pinus halepensis Seed Sources As Identified by Distinctive Physiological and Molecular Markers
K Taïbi, AD Del Campo, A Vilagrosa, JM Bellés, MP López-Gresa, D Pla, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1202, 2017
The impact of adaptive forest management on water fluxes and growth dynamics in a water-limited low-biomass oak coppice
AD del Campo, M Gonzalez-Sanchis, A Garcia-Prats, CJ Ceacero, C Lull
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 264, 266-282, 2019
Impacts of thinning of a Mediterranean oak forest on soil properties influencing water infiltration
S Di Prima, V Bagarello, R Angulo-Jaramillo, I Bautista, A Cerdà, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 65 (3), 276-286, 2017
Temporal effects of thinning on soil organic carbon pools, basal respiration and enzyme activities in a Mediterranean Holm oak forest
C Lull, I Bautista, A Lidón, AD del Campo, M González-Sanchis, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 464, 118088, 2020
Juvenile thinning can effectively mitigate the effects of drought on tree growth and water consumption in a young Pinus contorta stand in the interior of British Columbia, Canada
Y Wang, X Wei, AD del Campo, R Winkler, J Wu, Q Li, W Liu
Forest Ecology and Management 454, 117667, 2019
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Articles 1–20