Jifa Tian
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Cited by
Control and characterization of individual grains and grain boundaries in graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition
Q Yu, LA Jauregui, W Wu, R Colby, J Tian, Z Su, H Cao, Z Liu, D Pandey, ...
Nature materials 10 (6), 443-449, 2011
Observation of topological surface state quantum Hall effect in an intrinsic three-dimensional topological insulator
Y Xu, I Miotkowski, C Liu, J Tian, H Nam, N Alidoust, J Hu, CK Shih, ...
Nature Physics 10, 956, 2014
Core-shell Fe 3 O 4@ SiO 2 nanoparticles synthesized with well-dispersed hydrophilic Fe 3 O 4 seeds
C Hui, C Shen, J Tian, L Bao, H Ding, C Li, Y Tian, X Shi, HJ Gao
Nanoscale 3 (2), 701-705, 2011
Large-Scale Fe 3O 4 Nanoparticles Soluble in Water Synthesized by a Facile Method
C Hui, C Shen, T Yang, L Bao, J Tian, H Ding, C Li, HJ Gao
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (30), 11336-11339, 2008
Effect of oxygen plasma etching on graphene studied using Raman spectroscopy and electronic transport measurements
I Childres, LA Jauregui, J Tian, YP Chen
New Journal of Physics 13 (2), 025008, 2011
Electronic transport in chemical vapor deposited graphene synthesized on Cu: Quantum Hall effect and weak localization
H Cao, Q Yu, LA Jauregui, J Tian, W Wu, Z Liu, R Jalilian, DK Benjamin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96, 122106 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3371684, 2009
Effect of electron-beam irradiation on graphene field effect devices
I Childres, LA Jauregui, M Foxe, J Tian, R Jalilian, I Jovanovic, YP Chen
Applied Physics Letters 97 (17), 2010
Quantized Hall Effect and Shubnikov–de Haas Oscillations in Highly Doped : <?format ?>Evidence for Layered Transport of Bulk Carriers
H Cao, J Tian, I Miotkowski, T Shen, J Hu, S Qiao, YP Chen
Physical review letters 108 (21), 216803, 2012
Monodisperse noble-metal nanoparticles and their surface enhanced Raman scattering properties
C Shen, C Hui, T Yang, C Xiao, J Tian, L Bao, S Chen, H Ding, H Gao
Chemistry of Materials 20 (22), 6939-6944, 2008
Atomic-scale investigation of graphene grown on Cu foil and the effects of thermal annealing
J Cho, L Gao, J Tian, H Cao, W Wu, Q Yu, EN Yitamben, B Fisher, ...
ACS nano 5 (5), 3607-3613, 2011
Electrical injection and detection of spin-polarized currents in topological insulator Bi2Te2Se
J Tian, I Miotkowski, S Hong, YP Chen
Scientific Reports 5, 14293, 2015
Direct imaging of graphene edges: atomic structure and electronic scattering
J Tian, H Cao, W Wu, Q Yu, YP Chen
Nano letters 12 (8), 3893-3899, 2011
Fabrication of Vertically Aligned Single‐Crystalline Boron Nanowire Arrays and Investigation of Their Field‐Emission Behavior
F Liu, J Tian, L Bao, T Yang, C Shen, X Lai, Z Xiao, W Xie, S Deng, ...
Advanced Materials 20 (13), 2609-2615, 2008
Self-assembled synthesis of SERS-active silver dendrites and photoluminescence properties of a thin porous silicon layer
W Ye, C Shen, J Tian, C Wang, L Bao, H Gao
Electrochemistry communications 10 (4), 625-629, 2008
Novel nanopyramid arrays of magnetite
F Liu, PJ Cao, HR Zhang, JF Tian, CW Xiao, CM Shen, JQ Li, HJ Gao
Advanced materials 17 (15), 1893-1897, 2005
Single crystalline boron nanocones: Electric transport and field emission properties
XJ Wang, JF Tian, TZ Yang, LH Bao, C Hui, F Liu, CM Shen, NS Xu, ...
Advanced Materials 19 (24), 4480-4485, 2007
Observation of current-induced, long-lived persistent spin polarization in a topological insulator: A rechargeable spin battery
J Tian, S Hong, I Miotkowski, S Datta, YP Chen
Science Advances 3 (4), e1602531, 2017
One-dimensional boron nanostructures: Prediction, synthesis, characterizations, and applications
J Tian, Z Xu, C Shen, F Liu, N Xu, HJ Gao
Nanoscale 2 (8), 1375-1389, 2010
Topological insulator based spin valve devices: Evidence for spin polarized transport of spin-momentum-locked topological surface states
J Tian, I Childres, H Cao, T Shen, I Miotkowski, YP Chen
Solid State Communications 191, 1-5, 2014
Quantum and classical magnetoresistance in ambipolar topological insulator transistors with gate-tunable bulk and surface conduction
J Tian, C Chang, H Cao, K He, X Ma, Q Xue, YP Chen
Scientific Reports 4, 4859, 2014
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Articles 1–20