Mesut Aygül
Mesut Aygül
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Early Cretaceous sedimentation and orogeny on the active margin of Eurasia: Southern Central Pontides, Turkey
AI Okay, G Sunal, S Sherlock, D Alt ner, O Tüysüz, ...
Tectonics 32 (5), 1247-1271, 2013
Geological evolution of the Central Pontides
AI Okay, D Altiner, G Sunal, M Aygül, R Akdoğan, S Altiner, M Simmons
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 464 (1), 33-67, 2018
Pre-collisional accretionary growth of the southern Laurasian active margin, Central Pontides, Turkey
M Aygül, AI Okay, R Oberhaensli, M Sudo
Tectonophysics 671, 218-234, 2016
Late Cretaceous infant intra-oceanic arc volcanism, the Central Pontides, Turkey: petrogenetic and tectonic implications
M Aygül, AI Okay, R Oberhaensli, A Schmidt, M Sudo
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 111, 312-327, 2015
Thermal structure of low-grade accreted Lower Cretaceous distal turbidites, the Central Pontides, Turkey: insights for tectonic thickening of an accretionary wedge
M AYGÜL, AI Okay, R Oberhänsli, MA Ziemann
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 24 (5), 461-474, 2015
The kemer metamorphic complex (NW Turkey): a subducted continental margin of the Sakarya zone
M Aygül, G Topuz, A OKAY, M Satir, HP MEYER
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21 (1), 19-35, 2012
Tectonic Stacking of HP/LT Metamorphic Rocks in Accretionary Wedges and the Role of Shallowing Slab‐Mantle Decoupling
M Aygül, R Oberhänsli
Tectonics 36 (11), 2332-2346, 2017
REE behavior in warm and cold subducting oceanic crust
M Aygül, AI Okay, BR Hacker, ARC Kylander-Clark
International Journal of Earth Sciences 111 (3), 905-918, 2022
Blueschist-facies metamorphic rocks in the Central Pontides, Northern Turkey
M Aygül, AI Okay
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 157, 2012
Kemer Metamorfitlerinin (Biga, Çanakkale) Jeolojik Evrimi Ve Jeodinamik Önemleri
M Aygül
Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009
New (U-Th-Sm)/He low-temperature apatite and zircon thermochronology ages reveal episodic Tertiary exhumation and uplift of the Central Taurides, southern Turkey
M Aygül, I Tonguc Uysal, ER Sobel, AI Okay, J Glodny
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1527, 2024
Petrology of HP/LT metapelitic rocks of an accretionary wedge, the Central Pontides, Turkey: evidence for tectonic stacking and syn-subduction exhumation
M Aygül, A Okay, R Oberhänsli
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5127, 2015
Late Cretaceous infant intra-oceanic arc volcanism, the Central Pontides, Turkey
M Aygül, A Okay, R Oberhänsli, A Schmidt, M Sudo
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 298, 2015
Pre-collisional accretion and exhumation along the southern Laurasian active margin, Central Pontides, Turkey
M Aygül
Universität Potsdam, 2015
Cretaceous high-pressure metamorphic belts of the Central Pontides (northern Turkey): pre-collisional Pacific-type accretionary continental growth of Laurasian Margin
M Aygul, AI Okay, R Oberhaensli, M Sudo
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1198, 2014
The Kemer metamorphics (NW Turkey): Subducted passive margin of the Sakarya Zone
M Aygül, G Topuz, M Satır
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9553, 2010
Metamorphic evolution of the high-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Kemer area (Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey): Implications for the accretionary continental growth and closure …
M Aygül, G Topuz, M Satır
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12229, 2009
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Articles 1–17