Paul W.H. Chung
Paul W.H. Chung
Professor of Computer Science, Loughborough University
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Cited by
A heuristic distributed task allocation method for multivehicle multitask problems and its application to search and rescue scenario
W Zhao, Q Meng, PWH Chung
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (4), 902-915, 2015
Knowledge-based process management—an approach to handling adaptive workflow
PWH Chung, L Cheung, J Stader, P Jarvis, J Moore, A Macintosh
Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (3), 149-160, 2003
Selection of touch gestures for children's applications
NAA Aziz, F Batmaz, R Stone, PWH Chung
2013 science and information conference, 721-726, 2013
HAZID, A Computer Aid for Hazard Identification: 1. The Stophaz Package and the Hazid Code: An Overview, the Issues and the Structure
SA McCoy, SJ Wakeman, FD Larkin, ML Jefferson, PWH Chung, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 77 (6), 317-327, 1999
Reliable, distributed scheduling and rescheduling for time-critical, multiagent systems
A Whitbrook, Q Meng, PWH Chung
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15 (2), 732-747, 2017
Computer control and human error
TA Kletz, PWH Chung
IChemE, 1995
An efficient phased mission reliability analysis for autonomous vehicles
R Remenyte-Prescott, JD Andrews, PWH Chung
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 95 (3), 226-235, 2010
How good are distributed allocation algorithms for solving urban search and rescue problems? A comparative study with centralized algorithms
N Geng, Q Meng, D Gong, PWH Chung
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and engineering 16 (1), 478-485, 2018
A systematic Hazop procedure for batch processes, and its application to pipeless plants
F Mushtaq, PWH Chung
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 13 (1), 41-48, 2000
A ‘computer tutor’to assist children develop their narrative writing skills: Conferencing with HARRY
CE Holdich, PWH Chung
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 59 (5), 631-669, 2003
Incorporating domain-specific knowledge into a genetic algorithm to implement case-based reasoning adaptation
S Passone, PWH Chung, V Nassehi
Knowledge-Based Systems 19 (3), 192-201, 2006
More effective permit-to-work systems
RE Iliffe, PWH Chung, TA Kletz
Process safety and environmental protection 77 (2), 69-76, 1999
A novel distributed scheduling algorithm for time-critical multi-agent systems
A Whitbrook, Q Meng, PWH Chung
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Compliance Flow-Managing the compliance of dynamic and complex processes
PWH Chung, LYC Cheung, CHC Machin
Knowledge-Based Systems 21 (4), 332-354, 2008
Use of neural networks in automatic caricature generation: an approach based on drawing style capture
RN Shet, KH Lai, EA Edirisinghe, PWH Chung
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 343-351, 2005
An integrated approach to representing and accessing design rationale
PWH Chung, R Goodwin
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 11 (1), 149-159, 1998
Managing changes in construction projects
M Sun, M Sexton, G Aouad, A Fleming, S Senaratne, C Anumba, P Chung, ...
EPSRC Industrial Report, 185-190, 2004
Utilization of unified modeling language (UML) to represent the artifacts of the plant design model
K Suzuki
Proc. of International Symposium, on Design, Operation and Control of Next …, 2000
Exploiting AI technologies to realise adaptive workflow systems
P Jarvis, J Moore, J Stader, A Macintosh, A Casson-du Mont, P Chung
AAAI Workshop on Agent-Based Systems in the Business Context, 25-34, 1999
AI Planning in a Chemical Plant Domain.
R Aylett, JK Soutter, GJ Petley, PWH Chung, A Rushton
ECAI, 622-626, 1998
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Articles 1–20