Ikuhisa Mitsugami
Cited by
Cited by
Estimation of 3D gazed position using view lines
I Mitsugami, N Ukita, M Kidode
12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 2003 …, 2003
Dynamic 3d gaze from afar: Deep gaze estimation from temporal eye-head-body coordination
S Nonaka, S Nobuhara, K Nishino
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Gait Recognition Based on Normal Distance Maps
H El-Alfy, I Mitsugami, Y Yagi
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017
Early detection of lower mmse scores in elderly based on dual-task gait
K Aoki, TT Ngo, I Mitsugami, F Okura, M Niwa, Y Makihara, Y Yagi, ...
IEEE Access 7 (1), 40085-40094, 2019
Gait Collector: An Automatic Gait Data Collection System in Conjunction with an Experience-based Long-run Exhibition
Y Makihara, T Kimura, F Okura, I Mitsugami, M Niwa, C Aoki, A Suzuki, ...
The 9th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, 2016
Easy depth sensor calibration
H Yamazoe, H Habe, I Mitsugami, Y Yagi
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2012
Introduction to bionanotechnology
YC Lee, JY Moon
Springer, 2020
Bundler: Structure from motion for unordered image collections
映像情報メディア学会誌 65 (4), 479-482, 2011
Statistical analysis of dual-task gait characteristics for cognitive score estimation
T Matsuura, K Sakashita, A Grushnikov, F Okura, I Mitsugami, Y Yagi
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19927, 2019
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: 13th International Conference, IPMU 2010, Dortmund, Germany, June 28–July 2, 2010. Proceedings …
E Hüllermeier, R Kruse, F Hoffmann
Springer, 2010
A new gait-based identification method using local Gauss maps
H El-Alfy, I Mitsugami, Y Yagi
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 3-18, 2014
Depth-based gait feature representation
H Nakajima, I Mitsugami, Y Yagi
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications 5, 94-98, 2013
Dynamic scene reconstruction using asynchronous multiple kinects
M Nakazawa, I Mitsugami, Y Makihara, H Nakajima, H Habe, H Yamazoe, ...
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2012
Robot navigation by eye pointing
I Mitsugami, N Ukita, M Kidode
International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 256-267, 2005
Background image generation by preserving lighting condition of outdoor scenes
Y Kawanishi, I Mitsugami, M Mukunoki, M Minoh
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (1), 129-136, 2010
Privacy-protected camera for the sensing web
I Mitsugami, M Mukunoki, Y Kawanishi, H Hattori, M Minoh
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based …, 2010
A video‐based gait disturbance assessment tool for diagnosing idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
R Liao, Y Makihara, D Muramatsu, I Mitsugami, Y Yagi, K Yoshiyama, ...
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 15 (3), 433-441, 2020
Computer Vision--ACCV 2014: 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore, Singapore, November 1-5, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Part V
D Cremers, I Reid, H Saito, MH Yang
Springer, 2015
Preliminary analysis of gait changes that correspond to gaze directions
T Okada, H Yamazoe, I Mitsugami, Y Yagi
2013 2nd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, 788-792, 2013
Multi-planar projection by fixed-center pan-tilt projectors
I Mitsugami, N Ukita, M Kidode
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
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Articles 1–20