Tae-Sic Yoo
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Cited by
Polynomial-time verification of diagnosability of partially observed discrete-event systems
TS Yoo, S Lafortune
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 47 (9), 1491-1495, 2002
A general architecture for decentralized supervisory control of discrete-event systems
TS Yoo, S Lafortune
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 12, 335-377, 2002
Diagnosis of discrete event systems using decentralized architectures
Y Wang, TS Yoo, S Lafortune
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 17 (2), 233-263, 2007
NP-completeness of sensor selection problems arising in partially observed discrete-event systems
TS Yoo, S Lafortune
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (9), 1495-1499, 2002
Decentralized supervisory control with conditional decisions: Supervisor existence
TS Yoo, S Lafortune
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (11), 1886-1904, 2004
Diagnosability of stochastic discrete-event systems under unreliable observations
D Thorsley, TS Yoo, HE Garcia
2008 American control conference, 1158-1165, 2008
Development of computational models for the mark-IV electrorefiner—effect of uranium, plutonium, and zirconium dissolution at the fuel basket-salt interface
RO Hoover, S Phongikaroon, MF Simpson, SX Li, TS Yoo
Nuclear technology 171 (3), 276-284, 2010
Decentralized diagnosis of discrete event systems using unconditional and conditional decisions
Y Wang, TS Yoo, S Lafortune
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6298-6304, 2005
On the computational complexity of some problems arising in partially-observed discrete-event systems
TS Yoo, S Lafortune
Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference.(Cat. No. 01CH37148) 1 …, 2001
Diagnosis of behaviors of interest in partially-observed discrete-event systems
TS Yoo, HE Garcia
Systems & Control Letters 57 (12), 1023-1029, 2008
Model-based detection of routing events in discrete flow networks
HE Garcia, TS Yoo
Automatica 41 (4), 583-594, 2005
Event diagnosis of discrete-event systems with uniformly and nonuniformly bounded diagnosis delays
TS Yoo, HE Garcia
Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference 6, 5102-5107, 2004
Selective reduction of active metal chlorides from molten LiCl-KCl using lithium drawdown
MF Simpson, TS Yoo, D Labrier, M Lineberry, M Shaltry, S Phongikaroon
Nuclear engineering and technology 44 (7), 767-772, 2012
History and status of spent fuel treatment at the INL fuel conditioning facility
GL Fredrickson, MN Patterson, DE Vaden, GG Galbreth, TS Yoo, JC Price, ...
Progress in Nuclear Energy 143, 104037, 2022
New results on decentralized diagnosis of discrete event systems
Y Wang, TS Yoo, S Lafortune
Proceedings of 2004 Annual Allerton Conference, 2004
A computational model of the Mark-IV electrorefiner: phase I—fuel basket/salt interface
R Hoover, S Phongikaroon, S Li, M Simpson, TS Yoo
Characterization of irradiated metal waste from the pyrometallurgical treatment of used EBR-II fuel
BR Westphal, SM Frank, WM McCartin, DG Cummings, JJ Giglio, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46 (1), 83-92, 2015
Strategic minimization of high level waste from pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
MF Simpson, TS Yoo, RW Benedict, S Phongikaroon, S Frank, P Sachdev, ...
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), 2007
Molten salt reactor salt processing–technology status
GL Fredrickson, G Cao, R Gakhar, TS Yoo
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2018
Computational model of the Mark-IV electrorefiner: two-dimensional potential and current distributions
RO Hoover, S Phongikaroon, MF Simpson, TS Yoo, SX Li
Nuclear Technology 173 (2), 176-182, 2011
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Articles 1–20