Bo Yan
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Cited by
Traffic transformer: Capturing the continuity and periodicity of time series for traffic forecasting
L Cai, K Janowicz, G Mai, B Yan, R Zhu
Transactions in GIS, 2020
From ITDL to Place2Vec–Reasoning About Place Type Similarity and Relatedness by Learning Embeddings From Augmented Spatial Contexts
B Yan, K Janowicz, G Mai, S Gao
A data-synthesis-driven method for detecting and extracting vague cognitive regions
S Gao, K Janowicz, DR Montello, Y Hu, JA Yang, G McKenzie, Y Ju, ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (6), 1245-1271, 2017
A review of location encoding for GeoAI: methods and applications
G Mai, K Janowicz, Y Hu, S Gao, B Yan, R Zhu, L Cai, N Lao
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36 (4), 639-673, 2022
Multi-Scale Representation Learning for Spatial Feature Distributions using Grid Cells
G Mai, K Janowicz, B Yan, R Zhu, L Cai, N Lao
ICLR 2020, 2020
TransGCN: Coupling transformation assumptions with graph convolutional networks for link prediction
L Cai, B Yan, G Mai, K Janowicz, R Zhu
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on knowledge capture, 131-138, 2019
SE-KGE: A Location-Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding Model for Geographic Question Answering and Spatial Semantic Lifting
G Mai, K Janowicz, L Cai, R Zhu, B Regalia, B Yan, M Shi, N Lao
Transactions in GIS, 2020
Road2vec: Measuring traffic interactions in urban road system from massive travel routes
K Liu, S Gao, P Qiu, X Liu, B Yan, F Lu
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (11), 321, 2017
Detecting origin-destination mobility flows from geotagged tweets in greater Los Angeles area
S Gao, JA Yang, B Yan, Y Hu, K Janowicz, G McKenzie
Proceedings of the eighth international conference on geographic information …, 2014
Relaxing Unanswerable Geographic Questions Using A Spatially Explicit Knowledge Graph Embedding Model
G Mai, B Yan, K Janowicz, R Zhu
The 22nd AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2019
Things and strings: improving place name disambiguation from short texts by combining entity co-occurrence with topic modeling
Y Ju, B Adams, K Janowicz, Y Hu, B Yan, G McKenzie
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 20th International …, 2016
A spatially explicit reinforcement learning model for geographic knowledge graph summarization
B Yan, K Janowicz, G Mai, R Zhu
Transactions in GIS 23 (3), 620-640, 2019
Debiasing Knowledge Graphs: Why Female Presidents are not like Female Popes
K Janowicz, B Yan, B Regalia, R Zhu, G Mai
Proceedings of the ISWC 2018 Posters & Demonstrations, Industry and Blue Sky …, 2018
Combining Text Embedding and Knowledge Graph Embedding Techniques for Academic Search Engines
G Mai, K Janowicz, B Yan
Semdeep/NLIWoD@ ISWC, 77-88, 2018
xNet+SC: Classifying Places Based on Images by Incorporating Spatial Contexts
B Yan, K Janowicz, G Mai, R Zhu
10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018), 2018
Contextual graph attention for answering logical queries over incomplete knowledge graphs
G Mai, K Janowicz, B Yan, R Zhu, L Cai, N Lao
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on knowledge capture, 171-178, 2019
Deeply integrating Linked Data with Geographic Information Systems
G Mai, K Janowicz, B Yan, S Scheider
Transactions in GIS 23 (3), 579-600, 2019
An Ontology For Specifying Spatiotemporal Scopes in Life Cycle Assessment
B Yan, Y Hu, B Kuczenski, K Janowicz, A Ballatore, AA Krisnadhi, Y Ju, ...
Diversity++@ ISWC, 25-30, 2015
HyperQuaternionE: A hyperbolic embedding model for qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning
L Cai, K Janowicz, R Zhu, G Mai, B Yan, Z Wang
GeoInformatica 27 (2), 159-197, 2023
Time in a box: advancing knowledge graph completion with temporal scopes
L Cai, K Janowicz, B Yan, R Zhu, G Mai
Proceedings of the 11th Knowledge Capture Conference, 121-128, 2021
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Articles 1–20