Xuan-Son (Sonny) Vu
Xuan-Son (Sonny) Vu
PhD, Senior Researcher WASP M&L, UMU, Sweden, Founder of DeepTensor AB
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Cited by
Modular Graph Transformer Networks for Multi-Label Image Classification
HD Nguyen, XS Vu, DT Le
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2021), 2021
ETNLP: a visual-aided systematic approach to select pre-trained embeddings for a downstream task
XS Vu, T Vu, SN Tran, L Jiang
Proceedings of the 13rd International Conference Recent Advances in Natural …, 2019
HSD Shared Task in VLSP Campaign 2019: Hate Speech Detection for Social Good
XS Vu, T Vu, MV Tran, T Le-Cong, HTM Nguyen
On multi-resident activity recognition in ambient smart-homes
SN Tran, D Nguyen, TS Ngo, XS Vu, L Hoang, Q Zhang, M Karunanithi
Journal Article in Artificial Intelligence Review, 2019
NIHRIO at SemEval-2018 Task 3: A Simple and Accurate Neural Network Model for Irony Detection in Twitter
T Vu, DQ Nguyen, XS Vu, DQ Nguyen, M Catt, M Trenell
Proceedings of NAACL HTL'18, at the 12nd International Workshop on Semantic …, 2018
Privacy-preserving visual content tagging using graph transformer networks
XS Vu, DT Le, C Edlund, L Jiang, HD Nguyen
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2299-2307, 2020
MC-OCR Challenge: Mobile-Captured Image Document Recognition for Vietnamese Receipts
XS Vu, QA Bui, NV Nguyen, TTH Nguyen, T Vu
Proceedings of IEEE-RIVF 2021, 2021
dpUGC: Learn Differentially Private Representation for User Generated Contents
XS Vu, S Tran N., L Jiang
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational …, 2019
Generic Multilayer Network Data Analysis with the Fusion of Content and Structure
XS Vu, A Santra, S Chakravarthy, L Jiang
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational …, 2019
Construction of vietnamese SentiWordNet by using vietnamese dictionary
XS Vu, SB Park
The 40th Conference of the Korea Information Processing Society, 745-748, 2014
Lexical-semantic resources: yet powerful resources for automatic personality classification
XS Vu, L Flekova, L Jiang, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the 9th Global WordNet Conference, Long papers, January 2018 …, 2017
Graph-based Interactive Data Federation System for Heterogeneous Data Retrieval and Analytics
XS Vu, A Ait-Mlouk, E Elmroth, L Jiang
Proceedings of The 30th TheWebConf'19 (formerly WWW), 2019
Self-adaptive Privacy Concern Detection for User-generated Content
XS Vu, L Jiang
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational …, 2018
Personality-based Knowledge Extraction for Privacy-preserving Data Analysis
XS Vu, L Jiang, A Brändström, E Elmroth
Proceedings of K-CAP 2017, December 2017, Austin, Texas, USA, 44: 1-44: 4, 2017
ICDAR2021 Competition on Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comics Scenes
NV Nguyen, XS Vu, C Rigaud, L Jiang, JC Buri
ICDAR '2021, 2021
Reintel: A multimodal data challenge for responsible information identification on social network sites
DT Le, XS Vu, ND To, HQ Nguyen, TT Nguyen, L Le, AT Nguyen, ...
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Vietnamese Language and …, 2020
Vlsp 2021-viecap4h challenge: Automatic image caption generation for healthcare domain in vietnamese
DL Hoang, NT Son, NTM Huyen, VX Son
VNU Journal of Science: Computer Science and Communication Engineering 38 (2), 2022
Winfra: A web-based platform for semantic data retrieval and data analytics
A Ait-Mlouk, XS Vu, L Jiang
Mathematics 8 (11), 2090, 2020
Building a Vietnamese SentiWordNet using Vietnamese electronic dictionary and string kernel
XS Vu, HJ Song, SB Park
Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (PKAW), collocated with the …, 2014
The first visual object tracking segmentation vots2023 challenge results
M Kristan, J Matas, M Danelljan, M Felsberg, HJ Chang, LČ Zajc, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
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Articles 1–20