Kamal H. Khayat
Cited by
Cited by
Workability, testing, and performance of self-consolidating concrete
KH Khayat
Materials Journal 96 (3), 346-353, 1999
Viscosity-enhancing admixtures for cement-based materials—An overview
KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Composites 20 (2-3), 171-188, 1998
New development of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC)
J Du, W Meng, KH Khayat, Y Bao, P Guo, Z Lyu, A Abu-Obeidah, H Nassif, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 224, 109220, 2021
Analytical models for estimating yield stress of high-performance pseudoplastic grout
A Yahia, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Research 31 (5), 731-738, 2001
Mechanical properties of ultra-high-performance concrete enhanced with graphite nanoplatelets and carbon nanofibers
W Meng, KH Khayat
Composites Part B: Engineering 107, 113-122, 2016
Influence of silica fume content on microstructure development and bond to steel fiber in ultra-high strength cement-based materials (UHSC)
Z Wu, C Shi, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Composites 71, 97-109, 2016
Investigation of mechanical properties and shrinkage of ultra-high performance concrete: Influence of steel fiber content and shape
Z Wu, C Shi, KH Khayat
Composites Part B: Engineering 174, 107021, 2019
Use of viscosity-modifying admixture to enhance stability of fluid concrete
KH Khayat, Z Guizani
Materials Journal 94 (4), 332-340, 1997
Optimization and performance of cost-effective ultra-high performance concrete
W Meng, M Valipour, KH Khayat
Materials and structures 50, 1-16, 2017
Effect of graphite nanoplatelets and carbon nanofibers on rheology, hydration, shrinkage, mechanical properties, and microstructure of UHPC
W Meng, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Research 105, 64-71, 2018
Extension of the Reiner–Riwlin equation to determine modified Bingham parameters measured in coaxial cylinders rheometers
D Feys, JE Wallevik, A Yahia, KH Khayat, OH Wallevik
Materials and structures 46, 289-311, 2013
Rheological properties of ultra-high-performance concrete—An overview
KH Khayat, W Meng, K Vallurupalli, L Teng
Cement and Concrete Research 124, 105828, 2019
Avoiding inaccurate interpretations of rheological measurements for cement-based materials
OH Wallevik, D Feys, JE Wallevik, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Research 78, 100-109, 2015
Effects of different nanomaterials on hardening and performance of ultra-high strength concrete (UHSC)
Z Wu, C Shi, KH Khayat, S Wan
Cement and Concrete Composites 70, 24-34, 2016
An experimental study on flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams with 100% recycled concrete aggregate
M Arezoumandi, A Smith, JS Volz, KH Khayat
Engineering Structures 88, 154-162, 2015
Improving flexural performance of ultra-high-performance concrete by rheology control of suspending mortar
W Meng, KH Khayat
Composites Part B: Engineering 117, 26-34, 2017
Effect of hybrid fibers on fresh properties, mechanical properties, and autogenous shrinkage of cost-effective UHPC
W Meng, KH Khayat
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (4), 04018030, 2018
An overview on the effect of internal curing on shrinkage of high performance cement-based materials
J Liu, C Shi, X Ma, KH Khayat, J Zhang, D Wang
Construction and Building Materials 146, 702-712, 2017
On the measurement of evolution of structural build-up of cement paste with time by static yield stress test vs. small amplitude oscillatory shear test
Q Yuan, D Zhou, KH Khayat, D Feys, C Shi
Cement and Concrete Research 99, 183-189, 2017
Effect of nano-SiO2 particles and curing time on development of fiber-matrix bond properties and microstructure of ultra-high strength concrete
Z Wu, KH Khayat, C Shi
Cement and Concrete Research 95, 247-256, 2017
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Articles 1–20