Gonzalo Méndez-Martínez
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Cited by
Operational principles of circular economy for sustainable development: Linking theory and practice
B Suárez-Eiroa, E Fernández, G Méndez-Martínez, D Soto-Oñate
Journal of cleaner production 214, 952-961, 2019
Sediment distribution pattern in the Rias Baixas (NW Spain): main facies and hydrodynamic dependence
F Vilas, AM Bernabeu, G Méndez
Journal of Marine Systems 54 (1-4), 261-276, 2005
Hydrology, sediment yield, erosion and sedimentation rates in the estuarine environment of the Ria de Vigo, Galicia, Spain
M Perez-Arlucea, G Mendez, F Clemente, M Nombela, B Rubio, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 54 (1-4), 209-226, 2005
Integration of the circular economy paradigm under the just and safe operating space narrative: Twelve operational principles based on circularity, sustainability and resilience
B Suárez-Eiroa, E Fernández, G Méndez
Journal of Cleaner Production 322, 129071, 2021
Coexistence of urban uses and shellfish production in an upwelling-driven, highly productive marine environment: The case of the Ría de Vigo (Galicia, Spain)
E Fernández, XA Álvarez-Salgado, R Beiras, A Ovejero, G Méndez
Regional Studies in Marine Science 8, 362-370, 2016
Analysis of geomorphic systems’ response to natural and human drivers in northern Spain: implications for global geomorphic change
VM Bruschi, J Bonachea, J Remondo, J Gómez-Arozamena, V Rivas, ...
Geomorphology 196, 267-279, 2013
Geological antecedents of the Rias Baixas (Galicia, northwest Iberian Peninsula)
G Méndez, F Vilas
Journal of Marine Systems 54 (1-4), 195-207, 2005
The TESS-1 suction corer: a new device to extract wet, uncompacted sediments
G Méndez, M Pérez-Arlucea, E Stouthamer, H Berendsen
Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (6), 1078-1081, 2003
Using place names for mapping the distribution of vanishing historical landscape features: the Agras field system in northwest Spain
MÍS Calvo-Iglesias, RÓA DÍaz-Varela, G MÉndez-MartÍnez, U Fra-Paleo
Landscape Research 37 (4), 501-517, 2012
Spotting intruders: Species distribution models for managing invasive intertidal macroalgae
A Blanco, AR Larrinaga, JM Neto, J Troncoso, G Méndez, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 281, 111861, 2021
Conflicts in some of the World harbours: what needs to happen next?
S Pearson, W Windupranata, SW Pranowo, A Putri, Y Ma, A Vila-Concejo, ...
Maritime Studies 15, 1-23, 2016
Cartografía antigua de Galicia
GM Martínez
Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1994
Seasonal Variability of the Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Signature in a Zostera noltei Meadow at the NW Iberian Peninsula
M Román, S Rendal, E Fernández, G Méndez
Wetlands 38 (4), 739-753, 2018
Geochemical phases of Fe and degree of pyritization in sediments from Ría de Pontevedra (NW Spain): Implications of mussel raft culture
I Leon, G Méndez, B Rubio
Ciencias Marinas 30 (4), 585-602, 2004
Clam harvesting decreases the sedimentary carbon stock of a Zostera marina meadow
C Barañano, E Fernández, G Méndez
Aquatic Botany 146, 48-57, 2018
A land-cover based urban dispersion indicator suitable for highly dispersed, discontinuously artificialized territories: The case of continental Portugal
P Urbieta, E Fernandez, L Ramos, GM Martínez, R Bento
Land Use Policy 85, 92-103, 2019
A global atlas of the environmental risk of marinas on water quality
PF Valdor, AG Gómez, JA Juanes, C Kerléguer, P Steinberg, E Tanner, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 149, 110661, 2019
Anthropogenic influence on the Holocene sedimentation process along the Atlantic coast of Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula)
GM Martínez, M Pérez-Arlucea, R González-Villanueva, AO Campos
Journal of Coastal Research, 1788-1792, 2011
Parámetros morfométricos e hidrológicos de las cuencas de drenaje y ríos tributarios a la ría de Vigo. Estimación de las variaciones anuales en las cargas en suspensión y en …
M Pérez-Arlucea, M Filgueira, M Freijido, G Méndez
Journal of Iberian Geology 26, 171-187, 2000
Protocol to develop an environmental impact study of wave energy converters
J Bald, A Del Campo, J Franco, I Galparsoro, M González, P Liria, ...
Revista de Investigación Marina 17 (5), 62-138, 2010
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Articles 1–20