Rafiuddin Syam
Rafiuddin Syam
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Dasar Dasar Teknik Sensor
R Syam
Makasar: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin, 2013
Rancang bangun smart greenhouse sebagai tempat budidaya tanaman menggunakan solar cell sebagai sumber listrik
H Abbas, R Syam, B Jaelan
Numerical solutions to anisotropic FGM BVPs governed by the modified Helmholtz type equation
R Syam, MI Azis, A Hayat
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 619 (1), 012061, 2019
Adaptive actor-critic learning for the control of mobile robots by applying predictive models
R Syam, K Watanabe, K Izumi
Soft Computing 9, 835-845, 2005
Kinematika dan Dinamika Robot Lengan
R Syam
Seri Buku Ajar Robotika, 76, 2015
Controlling smart green house using fuzzy logic method
R Syam, WH Piarah, B Jaelani
International Journal on Smart Material and Mechatronics 2 (2), 2015
BEM solutions to BVPs governed by the anisotropic modified Helmholtz equation for quadratically graded media
MI Azis, R Syam, S Hamzah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 279 (1), 012010, 2019
Dasar-dasar teknik sensor
S Rafiuddin
Universitas Hasanudin, Makasar, 2013
Discontinuous control and backstepping method for the underactuated control of VTOL aerial robots with four rotors
K Watanabe, K Tanaka, K Izumi, K Okamura, R Syam
Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and Applications, 83-100, 2009
Pengaruh variasi parameter pengelasan (putaran dan temperatur) terhadap kekuatan sambungan las hasil friction welding pada baja karbon rendah
M Iswar, R Syam
Jurnal Mekanikal 3 (1), 2012
Control of nonholonomic mobile robot by an adaptive actor-critic method with simulated experience based value-functions
R Syam, K Watanabe, K Izumi, K Kiguchi
Proceedings 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2002
Controlling Unmanned surface vehicle rocket using GPS tracking method
O Sutresman, R Syam, S Asmal
International Journal of Technology 8 (4), 709-718, 2017
An adaptive actor-critic algorithm with multi-step simulated experiences for controlling nonholonomic mobile robots
R Syam, K Watanabe, K Izumi
Soft Computing 11, 81-89, 2007
Neural network based disturbance canceler with feedback error learning for nonholonomic mobile robots
K Izumi, R Syam, K Watanabe, K Kiguchi
Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference, 443-446, 2003
Dynamics and fuzzy logic method for controlling quadcopter
R Syam
Research Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (6), 251-260, 2016
A study on constructing a neuro-interface using the concept of a virtual master–slave system
R Syam, K Watanabe, K Izumi
Artificial Life and Robotics 9, 51-57, 2005
Design of wheeled mobile robot with tri-star wheel as rescue robot
R Syam, WH Piarah
International Journal on Smart Material and Mechatronics 1 (1), 2014
Mustari,“Rancang Bangun Kursi Roda Elektrik untuk Kondisi Naik Turun Tanjakan,”
R Syam
J. Mek 2 (2), 147-155, 2011
A neurointerface using a concept of virtual master-slave for controlling nonholonomic mobile robots
R Syam, K Watanabe, K Izumi
Proc. of Int. Workshop on Fuzzy Systems & Innovational Computing 2004 …, 2004
Desain Kerjasama Mobile Manipulator Robot
R Syam, J Hair
Jurnal Otomasi, Kontrol & Instrumentasi 8 (2), 125, 2016
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