Bhesh Raj Thapa
Bhesh Raj Thapa
Universal Engineering and Science College
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Spatio‐temporal variability of extreme precipitation in Nepal
R Talchabhadel, R Karki, BR Thapa, M Maharjan, B Parajuli
International Journal of Climatology 38 (11), 4296-4313, 2018
The status of domestic water demand: supply deficit in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
P Udmale, H Ishidaira, BR Thapa, NM Shakya
Water 8 (5), 196, 2016
Hydrological response of Chamelia watershed in Mahakali Basin to climate change
VP Pandey, S Dhaubanjar, L Bharati, BR Thapa
Science of the Total Environment 650, 365-383, 2019
A multi-model approach for analyzing water balance dynamics in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
BR Thapa, H Ishidaira, VP Pandey, NM Shakya
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 9, 149-162, 2017
Error analysis and evaluation of the latest GSMap and IMERG precipitation products over Eastern China
S Ning, F Song, P Udmale, J Jin, BR Thapa, H Ishidaira
Advances in Meteorology 2017, 2017
The COVID‐19 pandemic not only poses challenges, but also opens opportunities for sustainable transformation
P Pradhan, DR Subedi, D Khatiwada, KK Joshi, S Kafle, RP Chhetri, ...
Earth's Future 9 (7), e2021EF001996, 2021
Evaluation of precipitation elasticity using precipitation data from ground and satellite-based estimates and watershed modeling in Western Nepal
R Talchabhadel, A Aryal, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, H Nakagawa, B Bhatta, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 33, 100768, 2021
Evaluation of water security in Kathmandu valley before and after water transfer from another basin
BR Thapa, H Ishidaira, VP Pandey, TM Bhandari, NM Shakya
Water 10 (2), 224, 2018
Spatio-temporal distribution of water availability in Karnali-Mohana Basin, Western Nepal: Hydrological model development using multi-site calibration approach (Part-A)
VP Pandey, S Dhaubanjar, L Bharati, BR Thapa
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 29, 100690, 2020
Spatio-temporal distribution of water availability in Karnali-Mohana Basin, Western Nepal: Climate change impact assessment (Part-B)
VP Pandey, S Dhaubanjar, L Bharati, BR Thapa
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 29, 100691, 2020
Evaluation of Urban Heat Island (UHI) Using Satellite Images in Densely Populated Cities of South Asia
M Maharjan, A Aryal, B Man Shakya, R Talchabhadel, BR Thapa, ...
Earth 2 (1), 86-110, 2021
Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
R Khatakho, D Gautam, KR Aryal, VP Pandey, R Rupakhety, ...
Sustainability 13 (10), 5369, 2021
Evaluation of different precipitation inputs on streamflow simulation in Himalayan River basin
R Khatakho, R Talchabhadel, BR Thapa
Journal of Hydrology 599, 126390, 2021
Investigating the nexus of groundwater levels, rainfall and land-use in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
R Prajapati, S Upadhyay, R Talchabhadel, BR Thapa, B Ertis, P Silwal, ...
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 14, 100584, 2021
Spatial distribution of soil moisture index across Nepal: a step towards sharing climatic information for agricultural sector
R Talchabhadel, R Karki, M Yadav, M Maharjan, A Aryal, BR Thapa
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137, 3089-3102, 2019
Impact assessment of Gorkha earthquake 2015 on portable water supply in Kathmandu Valley: preliminary analysis
BR Thapa, H Ishidaira, VP Pandey, NM Shakya
土木学会論文集 B1 (水工学) 72 (4), I_61-I_66, 2016
Assessment of vertical accuracy of open source 30m resolution space-borne digital elevation models
R Talchabhadel, H Nakagawa, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, BR Thapa
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 12 (1), 939-960, 2021
Characterizing Meteorological Droughts in Nepal: A Comparative Analysis of Standardized Precipitation Index and Rainfall Anomaly Index
A Aryal, M Maharjan, R Talchabhadel, BR Thapa
Earth 3 (1), 409-432, 2022
How do CMIP6 models project changes in precipitation extremes over seasons and locations across the mid hills of Nepal?
R Chhetri, VP Pandey, R Talchabhadel, BR Thapa
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 145 (3-4), 1127-1144, 2021
Indigenous water management system in Nepal: cultural dimensions of water distribution, cascaded reuse and harvesting in Bhaktapur City
D Gautam, BR Thapa, RN Prajapati
Environment, Development and Sustainability 20, 1889-1900, 2018
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Articles 1–20