Liang Liao
Liang Liao
School of Electronics and Information, Zhongyuan University of Technology
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Cited by
MRI brain image segmentation and bias field correction based on fast spatially constrained kernel clustering approach
L Liao, T Lin, B Li
Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (10), 1580-1588, 2008
Hyperspectral image spectral-spatial feature extraction via tensor principal component analysis
Y Ren, L Liao, SJ Maybank, Y Zhang, X Liu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (9), 1431-1435, 2017
Color image recovery using generalized matrix completion over higher-order finite dimensional algebra
L Liao, Z Guo, Q Gao, Y Wang, F Yu, Q Zhao, SJ Maybank, Z Liu, C Li, L Li
Axioms 12 (10), 954, 2023
Semi-fragile self-recoverable watermarking algorithm based on wavelet group quantization and double authentication
C Li, A Zhang, Z Liu, L Liao, D Huang
Multimedia tools and applications 74, 10581-10604, 2015
FG-AGR: Fine-grained associative graph representation for facial expression recognition in the wild
C Li, X Li, X Wang, D Huang, Z Liu, L Liao
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 34 (2), 882-896, 2023
Genetic algorithm based on multipopulation competitive coevolution
B Li, TS Lin, L Liao, C Fan
2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE World Congress on …, 2008
A fast spatial constrained fuzzy kernel clustering algorithm for MRI brain image segmentation
L Liao, TS Lin
2007 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 1 …, 2007
A fabric defect detection algorithm via context-based local texture saliency analysis
Z Liu, C Li, Q Zhao, L Liao, Y Dong
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 27 (5), 738-750, 2015
Multi-Spectral MRI brain image segmentation based on kernel clustering analysis
X Jin, T Lin, L Liao, T Wang
International Conference on System Engineering and Modeling 34, 141-146, 2012
Development of a real-time machine vision system for detecting defeats of cord fabrics
W Zhang, Q Zhao, L Liao
2010 International conference on computer application and system modeling …, 2010
MR brain image segmentation based on kernelized fuzzy clustering using fuzzy Gibbs random field model
L Liao, T Lin
2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, 529-535, 2007
Image recognition via two-dimensional random projection and nearest constrained subspace
L Liao, Y Zhang, SJ Maybank, Z Liu, X Liu
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 25 (5), 1187-1198, 2014
MRI image segmentation based on fast kernel clustering analysis
L Liao, Y Zhang
Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China 6, 363-373, 2011
A Novel 1D‐CNN‐Based Diagnosis Method for a Rolling Bearing with Dual‐Sensor Vibration Data Fusion
F Yu, L Liao, K Zhang, H Xing, Q Zhao, L Zhang, Z Luo
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (1), 8986900, 2022
李春雷, 张兆翔, 刘洲峰, 廖亮, 赵全军
山东大学学报 (工学版) 44 (4), 1-8, 2013
FCM 与 KFCM-II 算法在医学 MRI 图像分割中的应用研究
柯珊虹, 廖亮, 王伟凝, 林土胜
科学技术与工程 9 (22), 2009
基于核聚类算法和模糊 Markov 随机场模型的脑部 MR 图像的分割
廖亮, 林土胜
中国图象图形学报 14 (9), 1732-1738, 2009
Generalized visual information analysis via tensorial algebra
L Liao, SJ Maybank
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 62 (4), 560-584, 2020
2DCS: Two dimensional random underdetermined projection for image representation and classification
L Liao, Y Zhang, C Zhang
2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 1-5, 2011
Email information integration with sso in portal service based on ajax
L Xin, L Liang, D Yong
2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling …, 2010
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