Maziar Moaveni, PhD, PE
Maziar Moaveni, PhD, PE
Assistant Professor
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Cited by
Evaluation of aggregate size and shape by means of segmentation techniques and aggregate image processing algorithms
M Moaveni, S Wang, JM Hart, E Tutumluer, N Ahuja
Transportation research record 2335 (1), 50-59, 2013
Characterizing ballast degradation through Los Angeles abrasion test and image analysis
Y Qian, H Boler, M Moaveni, E Tutumluer, YMA Hashash, J Ghaboussi
Transportation Research Record 2448 (1), 142-151, 2014
Degradation-related changes in ballast gradation and aggregate particle morphology
Y Qian, H Boler, M Moaveni, E Tutumluer, YMA Hashash, J Ghaboussi
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 143 (8), 04017032, 2017
Investigation of aggregate properties influencing railroad ballast performance
MA Wnek, E Tutumluer, M Moaveni, E Gehringer
Transportation research record 2374 (1), 180-189, 2013
Use of advanced aggregate imaging systems to evaluate aggregate resistance to breakage, abrasion, and polishing
M Moaveni, E Mahmoud, EM Ortiz, E Tutumluer, S Beshears
Transportation Research Record 2401 (1), 1-10, 2014
Railway ballast permeability and cleaning considerations
S Schmidt, S Shah, M Moaveni, BJ Landry, E Tutumluer, C Basye, D Li
Transportation Research Record 2607 (1), 24-32, 2017
Machine vision based characterization of particle shape and asphalt coating in Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
M Moaveni, S Cetin, AS Brand, S Dahal, JR Roesler, E Tutumluer
Transportation Geotechnics 6, 26-37, 2016
Investigation of ballast degradation and fouling trends using image analysis
M Moaveni, Y Qian, H Boler, D Mishra, E Tutumluer
Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Railway Technology: Research, Development and …, 2014
Morphological characterization of railroad ballast degradation trends in the field and laboratory
M Moaveni, Y Qian, IIA Qamhia, E Tutumluer, C Basye, D Li
Transportation Research Record 2545 (1), 89-99, 2016
Evaluation of railway ballast permeability using machine vision–based degradation analysis
H Huang, M Moaveni, S Schmidt, E Tutumluer, JM Hart
Transportation Research Record 2672 (10), 62-73, 2018
On the shear strength of polyurethane coated railroad ballast
H Boler
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012
Advanced analytical tool for flexible pavement design and evaluation
H Huang, J Luo, M Moaveni, II Qamhia, E Tutumluer, JS Tingle
International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2019, 61-71, 2019
Field evaluation of ballast fouling conditions using machine vision
E Tutumluer, N Ahuja, JM Hart, M Moaveni, H Huang, Z Zhao, S Shah
Safety IDEA Program Project Final Report, 2017
Spatial verification of modulus for pavement foundation system
DJ White, P Vennapusa, E Tutumluer, W Vavrik, M Moaveni, S Gillen
Transportation Research Record 2672 (52), 333-346, 2018
Advanced image analysis and techniques for degradation characterization of aggregates
M Moaveni
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015
Implementation framework of the UIUC aggregate base rutting model
IIA Qamhia, M Moaveni, YH Byun, B Feng, E Tutumluer
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 22 (10), 1305-1317, 2021
Field imaging and volumetric reconstruction of riprap rock and large-sized aggregates: algorithms and application
H Huang, J Luo, M Moaveni, E Tutumluer, JM Hart, S Beshears, AJ Stolba
Transportation Research Record 2673 (9), 575-589, 2019
Evaluation of Aggregate Resistance to Breakage, Abrasion, and Polishing Using Advanced Aggregate Imaging Systems
M Moaveni, E Mahmoud, EM Ortiz, E Tutumluer, S Beshears
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2014
Experimental study on dredged material improvement for highway subgrade soil
Y Huang, W Zhu, C Zhang, S Wang, N Zhang
Paving Materials and Pavement Analysis, 335-340, 2010
Field Imaging Based Assessment of In-Service Ballast Condition
E Tutumluer, M Moaveni, MJ Hart, N Ahuja, M McHenry, DD Davis
AREMA Annual Conference and Exposition, 2016
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Articles 1–20