Cited by
Cited by
Semeval-2018 task 7: Semantic relation extraction and classification in scientific papers
D Buscaldi, AK Schumann, B Qasemizadeh, H Zargayouna, T Charnois
International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018), 679-688, 2017
TaxoMap in the OAEI 2009 alignment contest
F Hamdi, B Safar, N Niraula, C Reynaud
The Fourth International Workshop on Ontology Matching, 2009
Alignment-based partitioning of large-scale ontologies
F Hamdi, B Safar, C Reynaud, H Zargayouna
Advances in knowledge discovery and management, 251-269, 2010
Mesure de similarité dans une ontologie pour l'indexation sémantique de documents XML
H Zargayouna, S Salotti
15èmes Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 249-260, 2004
Contexte et sémantique pour une indexation de documents semi-structurés.
H Zargayouna
CORIA 4, 161-177, 2004
Semantic annotation of the acl anthology corpus for the automatic analysis of scientific literature
H Zargayouna, D Buscaldi, I Tellier, T Charnois
LREC 2016, 2016
Evaluating term extraction
A Nazarenko, H Zargayouna
International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing …, 2009
Indexation sémantique de documents XML
H Zargayouna
Paris 11, 2005
Évaluation des outils terminologiques: enjeux, difficultés et propositions
A Nazarenko, H Zargayouna, O Hamon, J Van Puymbrouck
Revue TAL: traitement automatique des langues 50 (1 varia), 257-281, 2009
Uncovering the semantics of Wikipedia pagelinks
V Presutti, S Consoli, AG Nuzzolese, DR Recupero, A Gangemi, ...
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 19th International …, 2014
Exploring vector spaces for semantic relations
H Zargayouna, I Tellier, D Buscaldi, T Charnois
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2017
The quaero evaluation campaign on term extraction
T Mondary, A Nazarenko, H Zargayouna, S Barreaux
The 8th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC …, 2012
Recherche d’information sémantique: état des lieux [Semantic information retrieval: a state of the art]
H Zargayouna, C Roussey, JP Chevallet
Traitement Automatique des Langues 56 (3), 49-73, 2015
TaxoMap in the OAEI 2007 alignment contest
H Zargayouna, B Safar, C Reynaud
The Second International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM'07), 268-275, 2007
Evaluation of textual knowledge acquisition tools: a challenging task
H Zargayouna, A Nazarenko
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Seventh conference …, 2010
Unsupervised relation extraction in specialized corpora using sequence mining
K Gábor, H Zargayouna, I Tellier, D Buscaldi, T Charnois
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV: 15th International Symposium, IDA …, 2016
Yasemir: Yet another semantic information retrieval system
D Buscaldi, H Zargayouna
Proceedings of the sixth international workshop on Exploiting semantic …, 2013
Partitionnement d'ontologies pour le passage à l'échelle des techniques d'alignement
F Hamdi, B Safar, H Zargayouna, C Reynaud
9eme Journées Francophones" Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances", 2009
Une plate-forme open-source de recherche d'information sémantique
I Bannour, H Zargayouna
COnférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications (CORIA), 167-178, 2012
IndDoc: an aid for the back-of-the-book indexer
H Zargayouna, TAE Mekki, L Audibert, A Nazarenko
The Indexer: The International Journal of Indexing 25 (2), 122-125, 2006
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Articles 1–20