On categorial and phrase-structure grammars Y Bar-Hillel, H Gaifman, E Shamir The Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, 9, 1-6, 1960 | 2445* | 1960 |
Dependency systems and phrase-structure systems H Gaifman Information and control 8 (3), 304-337, 1965 | 538 | 1965 |
On local and non-local properties H Gaifman Proceedings of the herbrand symposium, logic colloquium 81, 105-135, 1982 | 509 | 1982 |
Concerning measures in first order calculi H Gaifman Israel journal of mathematics 2 (1), 1-18, 1964 | 435 | 1964 |
Probabilities over rich languages, testing and randomness H Gaifman, M Snir The Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (3), 495-548, 1982 | 287 | 1982 |
A Theory of Higher Order Probabilities H Gaifman Causation, Chance and Credence (The University of Western Ontario Series in …, 1988 | 284 | 1988 |
Decidable optimization problems for database logic programs S Cosmadakis, H Gaifman, P Kanellakis, M Vardi Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1988 | 218 | 1988 |
Undecidable optimization problems for database logic programs H Gaifman, H Mairson, Y Sagiv, MY Vardi Journal of the ACM (JACM) 40 (3), 683-713, 1993 | 204 | 1993 |
Pointers to Truth H Gaifman The Journal of Philosophy 89 (5), 223-261, 1992 | 151 | 1992 |
Fragments of Peano’s arithmetic and the MRDP theorem H Gaifman, C Dimitracopoulos Logic and algorithmic (Zurich, 1980),(Monograph. Enseign. Math., 30), 187-206, 1982 | 139 | 1982 |
Fully abstract compositional semantics for logic programs H Gaifman, E Shapiro Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1989 | 135 | 1989 |
Models and types of Peano's arithmetic H Gaifman Annals of Mathematical Logic 9 (3), 223-306, 1976 | 126 | 1976 |
Partial order models of concurrency and the computation of functions H Gaifman, VR Pratt LICS, 72-85, 1987 | 101 | 1987 |
Concerning measures on Boolean algebras H Gaifman Pacific Journal of Mathematics 14, 61-73, 1964 | 86 | 1964 |
Vagueness, Tolerance and Contextual logic H Gaifman Synthese 174 (1), 5-46, 2010 | 83 | 2010 |
A note on models and submodels of arithmetic H Gaifman Conference in Mathematical Logic, London 1970 Hodges W. ed, Lecture Notes in …, 1972 | 82* | 1972 |
Reasoning with limited resources and assigning probabilities to arithmetical statements H Gaifman Synthese 140 (1), 97-119, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |
Naming and diagonalization, from Cantor to Gödel to Kleene H Gaifman Logic Journal of IGPL 14 (5), 709-728, 2006 | 61 | 2006 |
Elementary embeddings of models of set-theory and certain subtheories H Gaifman Axiomatic set theory (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XIII, Part II, Univ …, 1974 | 60 | 1974 |
Operational pointer semantics: Solution to self-referential puzzles I H Gaifman Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about …, 1988 | 59 | 1988 |