frédéric Berger
frédéric Berger
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Rockfall characterisation and structural protection–a review
A Volkwein, K Schellenberg, V Labiouse, F Agliardi, F Berger, F Bourrier, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (9), 2617-2651, 2011
Integrity, stability and management of protection forests in the European Alps
LKA Dorren, F Berger, AC Imeson, B Maier, F Rey
Forest ecology and management 195 (1-2), 165-176, 2004
Real-size experiments and 3-D simulation of rockfall on forested and non-forested slopes
LKA Dorren, F Berger, US Putters
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 6 (1), 145-153, 2006
A benchmark of lidar-based single tree detection methods using heterogeneous forest data from the alpine space
L Eysn, M Hollaus, E Lindberg, F Berger, JM Monnet, M Dalponte, ...
Forests 6 (5), 1721-1747, 2015
Mechanisms, effects and management implications of rockfall in forests
LKA Dorren, F Berger, C Le Hir, E Mermin, P Tardif
Forest ecology and management 215 (1-3), 183-195, 2005
Stem breakage of trees and energy dissipation during rockfall impacts
LKA Dorren, F Berger
Tree physiology 26 (1), 63-71, 2006
Toward objective rockfall trajectory simulation using a stochastic impact model
F Bourrier, L Dorren, F Nicot, F Berger, F Darve
Geomorphology 110 (3-4), 68-79, 2009
Assessing the protective effect of mountain forests against rockfall using a 3D simulation model
M Stoffel, A Wehrli, R Kühne, LKA Dorren, S Perret, H Kienholz
Forest ecology and management 225 (1-3), 113-122, 2006
Probability maps of landslide reactivation derived from tree-ring records: Pra Bellon landslide, southern French Alps
JL Saez, C Corona, M Stoffel, P Schoeneich, F Berger
Geomorphology 138 (1), 189-202, 2012
Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past landslide reactivation with seasonal precision: the Bois Noir landslide, southeast French Alps
J Lopez Saez, C Corona, M Stoffel, L Astrade, F Berger, JP Malet
Landslides 9, 189-203, 2012
Mechanical resistance of different tree species to rockfall in the French Alps
A Stokes, F Salin, AD Kokutse, S Berthier, H Jeannin, S Mochan, L Dorren, ...
Plant and soil 278, 107-117, 2005
State of the art in rockfall–forest interactions
L Dorren, F Berger, M Jonsson, M Krautblatter, M Mölk, M Stoffel, A Wehrli
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 158 (6), 128-141, 2007
Mountain protection forests against natural hazards and risks: new French developments by integrating forests in risk zoning
F Berger, F Rey
Natural hazards 33 (3), 395-404, 2004
Three-dimensional analysis of the anatomical growth response of European conifers to mechanical disturbance
DM Schneuwly, M Stoffel, LKA Dorren, F Berger
Tree Physiology 29 (10), 1247-1257, 2009
Climate change increases frequency of shallow spring landslides in the French Alps
JL Saez, C Corona, M Stoffel, F Berger
Geology 41 (5), 619-622, 2013
Rockfall rebound: comparison of detailed field experiments and alternative modelling approaches
F Bourrier, F Berger, P Tardif, L Dorren, O Hungr
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (6), 656-665, 2012
Forest: a natural protection mean against rockfalls, but with which efficiency
F Berger, C Quetel, LKA Dorren
International congress INTERPRAEVENT 2, 815-826, 2002
Principles of the tool Rockfor. net for quantifying the rockfall hazard below a protection forest
F Berger, LK Dorren
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 158 (6), 157-165, 2007
Evaluation of a 3-D rockfall module within a forest patch model
W Rammer, M Brauner, LKA Dorren, F Berger, MJ Lexer
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (4), 699-711, 2010
Novel quantitative indicators to characterize the protective effect of mountain forests against rockfall
S Dupire, F Bourrier, JM Monnet, S Bigot, L Borgniet, F Berger, T Curt
Ecological Indicators 67, 98-107, 2016
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Articles 1–20