Stephen P. Becker
Stephen P. Becker
ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company
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A 48 my history of fracture opening, temperature, and fluid pressure: Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation, East Texas basin
SP Becker, P Eichhubl, SE Laubach, RM Reed, RH Lander, RJ Bodnar
Bulletin 122 (7-8), 1081-1093, 2010
Structural and diagenetic control of fluid migration and cementation along the Moab fault, Utah
P Eichhubl, NC Davatz, SP Becker
AAPG bulletin 93 (5), 653-681, 2009
Synthetic Fluid Inclusions. XVII.1 PVTX Properties of High Salinity H2O-NaCl Solutions (>30 wt % NaCl): Application to Fluid Inclusions that Homogenize by Halite …
SP Becker, A Fall, RJ Bodnar
Economic Geology 103 (3), 539-554, 2008
Testing the basin-centered gas accumulation model using fluid inclusion observations: Southern Piceance Basin, Colorado
A Fall, P Eichhubl, SP Cumella, RJ Bodnar, SE Laubach, SP Becker
AAPG bulletin 96 (12), 2297-2318, 2012
Experimental determination of the Raman CH4 symmetric stretching (ν1) band position from 1–650 bar and 0.3–22 C: Application to fluid inclusion studies
F Lin, RJ Bodnar, SP Becker
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (15), 3746-3756, 2007
Clumped isotope thermometry in deeply buried sedimentary carbonates: The effects of bond reordering and recrystallization
BJ Shenton, EL Grossman, BH Passey, GA Henkes, TP Becker, JC Laya, ...
Bulletin 127 (7-8), 1036-1051, 2015
Whole Earth geohydrologic cycle, from the clouds to the core: The distribution of water in the dynamic Earth system
RJ Bodnar, T Azbej, SP Becker, C Cannatelli, A Fall, MJ Severs
The Geological Society of America Special Paper 500, 431-61, 2013
Deciphering the diagenetic history of the El Abra Formation of eastern Mexico using reordered clumped isotope temperatures and U-Pb dating
M Lawson, BJ Shenton, DA Stolper, JM Eiler, ET Rasbury, TP Becker, ...
GSA Bulletin 130 (3-4), 617-629, 2018
Temporal and spatial variations in characteristics of fluid inclusions in epizonal magmatic-hydrothermal systems: Applications in exploration for porphyry copper deposits
SP Becker, RJ Bodnar, TJ Reynolds
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 204, 240-255, 2019
Early dolomitization and fluid migration through the Lower Carboniferous carbonate platform in the SE Irish Midlands: implications for reservoir attributes
ZR Nagy, JM Gregg, KL Shelton, SP Becker, ID Somerville, AW Johnson
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 235 (1), 367-392, 2004
Lower Carboniferous peritidal carbonates and associated evaporites adjacent to the Leinster Massif, southeast Irish Midlands
ZR Nagy, ID Somerville, JM Gregg, SP Becker, KL Shelton
Geological Journal 40 (2), 173-192, 2005
New age and lake chemistry constraints on the Aptian pre-salt carbonates of the central South Atlantic
M Lawson, J Sitgreaves, T Rasbury, K Wooton, W Esch, V Marcon, ...
Bulletin 135 (3-4), 595-607, 2023
Natural Fractures in the Barnett Shale in the Delaware Basin, Pecos Co
JFW Gale, RM Reed, SP Becker, W Ali
West. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado. Search and …, 2010
Constraining the Fluid History of a CO2‐H2S Reservoir: Insights From Stable Isotopes, REE, and Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry
C Zwahlen, C Hollis, M Lawson, SP Becker, A Boyce, Z Zhou, G Holland
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (1), 359-382, 2019
Sedimentation in an actively tilting half‐graben: sedimentology and stratigraphy of Late Tournaisian–Viséan (Mississippian, Lower Carboniferous) carbonate rocks in south County …
ZR Nagy, ID Somerville, JM Gregg, SP Becker, KL Shelton, AG Sleeman
Sedimentology 52 (3), 489-512, 2005
Fluid inclusion characteristics in magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits
SP Becker
Virginia Tech, 2007
Natural Fractures in the Barnett Shale in the Delaware Basin, Pecos Co. West Texas: Comparison with the Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin
JF Gale, RM Reed, SP Becker, W Ali
AAPG Search and Discovery, 2010
Relationship of evaporites to brine migration and carbonate hosted Zn-Pb mineralization in the Lower Carboniferous of southeastern Ireland
SP Becker, ZR Nagy, AW Johnson, JM Gregg, KL Shelton, ID Somerville, ...
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 34 (6), 338, 2002
Early dolomitisation and fluid migration through the Lower Carboniferous carbonate platform in the southeast Irish Midlands: Implications for reservoir attributes
JM Gregg, AW Johnson, Z Nagy, KL Shelton, ID Somerville, WR Wright, ...
Geological Society, 2004
Brine migration in Chadian-Brigantian carbonate strata of southeastern Ireland
SP Becker
University of Missouri--Rolla, 2005
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Articles 1–20