Ralf Deiterding
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Cited by
Parallel adaptive simulation of multi-dimensional detonation structures
R Deiterding
Dissertation. de, 2003
A parallel adaptive method for simulating shock-induced combustion with detailed chemical kinetics in complex domains
R Deiterding
Computers & Structures 87 (11-12), 769-783, 2009
A low numerical dissipation patch-based adaptive mesh refinement method for large-eddy simulation of compressible flows
C Pantano, R Deiterding, DJ Hill, DI Pullin
Journal of Computational Physics 221 (1), 63-87, 2007
Large-scale fluid–structure interaction simulation of viscoplastic and fracturing thin-shells subjected to shocks and detonations
F Cirak, R Deiterding, SP Mauch
Computers & Structures 85 (11-14), 1049-1065, 2007
An adaptive high-order hybrid scheme for compressive, viscous flows with detailed chemistry
JL Ziegler, R Deiterding, JE Shepherd, DI Pullin
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (20), 7598-7630, 2011
A virtual test facility for the efficient simulation of solid material response under strong shock and detonation wave loading
R Deiterding, R Radovitzky, SP Mauch, L Noels, JC Cummings, DI Meiron
Engineering with Computers 22, 325-347, 2006
Block-structured adaptive mesh refinement-theory, implementation and application
R Deiterding
Esaim: Proceedings 34, 97-150, 2011
Detonation front structure and the competition for radicals
Z Liang, S Browne, R Deiterding, JE Shepherd
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2445-2453, 2007
Eulerian adaptive finite-difference method for high-velocity impact and penetration problems
PT Barton, R Deiterding, D Meiron, D Pullin
Journal of Computational Physics 240, 76-99, 2013
Experimental and numerical investigations on propagating modes of detonations: Detonation wave/boundary layer interaction
X Cai, J Liang, R Deiterding, Y Mahmoudi, M Sun
Combustion and flame 190, 201-215, 2018
High‐Resolution Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Mach Reflection Structures in Detonation Waves in Low‐Pressure H2–O2–Ar Mixtures: A Summary of …
R Deiterding
Journal of combustion 2011 (1), 738969, 2011
Effects of jet in crossflow on flame acceleration and deflagration to detonation transition in methane–oxygen mixture
H Peng, Y Huang, R Deiterding, Z Luan, F Xing, Y You
Combustion and Flame 198, 69-80, 2018
Proximal bodies in hypersonic flow
SJ Laurence, R Deiterding, G Hornung
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 590, 209-237, 2007
Construction and application of an AMR algorithm for distributed memory computers
R Deiterding
Adaptive Mesh Refinement-Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the Chicago …, 2005
A reliable split-step Fourier method for the propagation equation of ultra-fast pulses in single-mode optical fibers
R Deiterding, R Glowinski, H Oliver, S Poole
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (12), 2008-2017, 2013
Dynamical separation of spherical bodies in supersonic flow
SJ Laurence, NJ Parziale, R Deiterding
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 713, 159-182, 2012
Adaptive mesh refinement based simulations of three-dimensional detonation combustion in supersonic combustible mixtures with a detailed reaction model
X Cai, J Liang, R Deiterding, Y Che, Z Lin
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (4), 3222-3239, 2016
Hydrodynamic instabilities in gaseous detonations: comparison of Euler, Navier–Stokes, and large-eddy simulation
Y Mahmoudi, N Karimi, R Deiterding, S Emami
Journal of Propulsion and Power 30 (2), 384-396, 2014
High-resolution simulation of detonations with detailed chemistry
R Deiterding, G Bader
Analysis and Numerics for Conservation Laws, 69-91, 2005
AMROC-blockstructured adaptive mesh refinement in object-oriented C++
R Deiterding
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Articles 1–20