Aleksandra Rashkovska
Aleksandra Rashkovska
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Cited by
Predictive modeling of PV energy production: How to set up the learning task for a better prediction?
M Ceci, R Corizzo, F Fumarola, D Malerba, A Rashkovska
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (3), 956-966, 2016
Comprehensive survey of computational ECG analysis: Databases, methods and applications
E Merdjanovska, A Rashkovska
Expert Systems with Applications 203, 117206, 2022
Medical-grade ECG sensor for long-term monitoring
A Rashkovska, M Depolli, I Tomašić, V Avbelj, R Trobec
Sensors 20 (6), 1695, 2020
Spatial autocorrelation and entropy for renewable energy forecasting
M Ceci, R Corizzo, D Malerba, A Rashkovska
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33 (3), 698-729, 2019
Two proximal skin electrodes—A respiration rate body sensor
R Trobec, A Rashkovska, V Avbelj
Sensors 12 (10), 13813-13828, 2012
A telemedicine application: ECG data from wireless body sensors on a smartphone
A Rashkovska, I Tomašić, R Trobec
2011 proceedings of the 34th international convention MIPRO, 262-265, 2011
Telehealth using ECG sensor and accelerometer
H Gjoreski, A Rashkovska, S Kozina, M Lustrek, M Gams
2014 37th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2014
Body sensors and electrocardiography
R Trobec, I Tomašić, A Rashkovska, M Depolli, V Avbelj
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Super linear speedup in a local parallel meshless solution of thermo-fluid problems
G Kosec, M Depolli, A Rashkovska, R Trobec
Computers & Structures 133, 30-38, 2014
Big data techniques for supporting accurate predictions of energy production from renewable sources
M Ceci, R Corizzo, F Fumarola, M Ianni, D Malerba, G Maria, E Masciari, ...
Proceedings of the 19th international database engineering & applications …, 2015
Commercial ECG systems
R Trobec, I Tomašić, A Rashkovska, M Depolli, V Avbelj, R Trobec, ...
Body Sensors and Electrocardiography, 101-114, 2018
Multi-functionality of wireless body sensors
R Trobec, V Avbelj, A Rashkovska
The IPSI BgD transactions on internet research 10 (1), 23-27, 2014
Online short-term forecasting of photovoltaic energy production
A Rashkovska, J Novljan, M Smolnikar, M Mohorčič, C Fortuna
2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2015
Abdominal fetal ECG measured with differential ECG sensor
A Rashkovska, V Avbelj
2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2017
Remote monitoring of vital functions-Proof-of-concept system
A Rashkovska, I Tomašić, K Bregar, R Trobec
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 446-450, 2012
Cross-database generalization of deep learning models for arrhythmia classification
E Merdjanovska, A Rashkovska
2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and …, 2021
Multicluster hadoop distributed file system
I Tomašić, J Ugovšek, A Rashkovska, R Trobec
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 301-305, 2012
Wireless body sensor for electrocardiographic monitoring in equine medicine
M Brložnik, AD Petrič, VK Kos, A Rashkovska, V Avbelj
2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2019
Clustering of heartbeats from ECG recordings obtained with wireless body sensors
A Rashkovska, D Kocev, R Trobec
2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2016
Using Hadoop MapReduce in a multicluster environment
I Tomašić, A Rashkovska, M Depolli
2013 36th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2013
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Articles 1–20