Carlos A. Meriles
Carlos A. Meriles
Professor of Physics
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Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a (5-nanometer) 3 sample volume
T Staudacher, F Shi, S Pezzagna, J Meijer, J Du, CA Meriles, F Reinhard, ...
Science 339 (6119), 561-563, 2013
Near-deterministic activation of room-temperature quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
NV Proscia, Z Shotan, H Jayakumar, P Reddy, C Cohen, M Dollar, ...
Optica 5 (9), 1128-1134, 2018
Approach to high-resolution ex situ NMR spectroscopy
CA Meriles, D Sakellariou, H Heise, AJ Moulé, A Pines
Science 293 (5527), 82-85, 2001
High-resolution correlation spectroscopy of 13C spins near a nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond
A Laraoui, F Dolde, C Burk, F Reinhard, J Wrachtrup, CA Meriles
Nature communications 4 (1), 1651, 2013
Zeitschrift: Nature Communications
P Daleo, J Alberti, EJ Chaneton, O Iribarne, PM Tognetti, JD Bakker, ...
Nature communications, 2021
High-resolution NMR spectroscopy with a portable single-sided sensor
J Perlo, V Demas, F Casanova, CA Meriles, J Reimer, A Pines, ...
Science 308 (5726), 1279-1279, 2005
Photoinduced modification of single-photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
Z Shotan, H Jayakumar, CR Considine, M Mackoit, H Fedder, J Wrachtrup, ...
Acs Photonics 3 (12), 2490-2496, 2016
Orientation-independent room temperature optical 13C hyperpolarization in powdered diamond
A Ajoy, K Liu, R Nazaryan, X Lv, PR Zangara, B Safvati, G Wang, D Arnold, ...
Science advances 4 (5), eaar5492, 2018
High-resolution NMR correlation spectra of disordered solids
D Sakellariou, SP Brown, A Lesage, S Hediger, M Bardet, CA Meriles, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (14), 4376-4380, 2003
Imaging mesoscopic nuclear spin noise with a diamond magnetometer
CA Meriles, L Jiang, G Goldstein, JS Hodges, J Maze, MD Lukin, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (12), 2010
Probing molecular dynamics at the nanoscale via an individual paramagnetic centre
T Staudacher, N Raatz, S Pezzagna, J Meijer, F Reinhard, CA Meriles, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8527, 2015
Scalable fabrication of high purity diamond nanocrystals with long-spin-coherence nitrogen vacancy centers
ME Trusheim, L Li, A Laraoui, EH Chen, H Bakhru, T Schröder, ...
Nano letters 14 (1), 32-36, 2014
Long-term data storage in diamond
S Dhomkar, J Henshaw, H Jayakumar, CA Meriles
Science advances 2 (10), e1600911, 2016
Imaging thermal conductivity with nanoscale resolution using a scanning spin probe
A Laraoui, H Aycock-Rizzo, Y Gao, X Lu, E Riedo, CA Meriles
Nature communications 6 (1), 8954, 2015
Nitrogen-vacancy-assisted magnetometry of paramagnetic centers in an individual diamond nanocrystal
A Laraoui, JS Hodges, CA Meriles
Nano letters 12 (7), 3477-3482, 2012
“Shim pulses” for NMR spectroscopy and imaging
D Topgaard, RW Martin, D Sakellariou, CA Meriles, A Pines
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (51), 17576-17581, 2004
Dynamic nuclear spin polarization of liquids and gases in contact with nanostructured diamond
D Abrams, ME Trusheim, DR Englund, MD Shattuck, CA Meriles
Nano letters 14 (5), 2471-2478, 2014
Nonvolatile nuclear spin memory enables sensor-unlimited nanoscale spectroscopy of small spin clusters
M Pfender, N Aslam, H Sumiya, S Onoda, P Neumann, J Isoya, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1-12, 2017
Charge dynamics in near-surface, variable-density ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
S Dhomkar, H Jayakumar, PR Zangara, CA Meriles
Nano letters 18 (6), 4046-4052, 2018
Magnetometry of random ac magnetic fields using a single nitrogen-vacancy center
A Laraoui, JS Hodges, CA Meriles
Applied Physics Letters 97 (14), 2010
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Articles 1–20