Jerry Icban Dadap
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Cited by
Direct Measurement of the Thickness-Dependent Electronic Band Structure of MoS Using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
W Jin, PC Yeh, N Zaki, D Zhang, JT Sadowski, A Al-Mahboob, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (10), 106801, 2013
Second-harmonic Rayleigh scattering from a sphere of centrosymmetric material
JI Dadap, J Shan, KB Eisenthal, TF Heinz
Physical Review Letters 83 (20), 4045, 1999
Theory of optical second-harmonic generation from a sphere of centrosymmetric material: small-particle limit
JI Dadap, J Shan, TF Heinz
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 21 (7), 1328-1347, 2004
Optical Third-Harmonic Generation in Graphene
SY Hong, JI Dadap, N Petrone, PC Yeh, J Hone, RM Osgood Jr.
Physical Review X 3 (2), 021014, 2013
Raman amplification in ultrasmall silicon-on-insulator wire waveguides
RL Espinola, JI Dadap, RM Osgood Jr, SJ McNab, YA Vlasov
Optics Express 12 (16), 3713-3718, 2004
Engineering nonlinearities in nanoscale optical systems: physics and applications in dispersion-engineered silicon nanophotonic wires
RM Osgood, NC Panoiu, JI Dadap, X Liu, X Chen, IW Hsieh, E Dulkeith, ...
Advances in Optics and Photonics 1 (1), 162-235, 2009
Asymmetric Y junctions in silicon waveguides for on-chip mode-division multiplexing
JB Driscoll, RR Grote, B Souhan, JI Dadap, M Lu, RM Osgood Jr
Optics Letters 38 (11), 1854-1856, 2013
C-band wavelength conversion in silicon photonic wire waveguides
RL Espinola, JI Dadap, RM Osgood Jr, SJ McNab, YA Vlasov
Optics Express 13 (11), 4341-4349, 2005
Supercontinuum generation in silicon photonic wires
IW Hsieh, X Chen, X Liu, JI Dadap, NC Panoiu, CY Chou, F Xia, ...
Optics Express 15 (23), 15242-15249, 2007
Study of interfacial charge-transfer complex on TiO particles in aqueous suspension by second-harmonic generation
Y Liu, JI Dadap, D Zimdars, KB Eisenthal
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (13), 2480-2486, 1999
Femtosecond carrier dynamics in graphite
K Seibert, GC Cho, W Kütt, H Kurz, DH Reitze, JI Dadap, H Ahn, ...
Physical Review B 42 (5), 2842, 1990
Ultrahigh-bandwidth silicon photonic nanowire waveguides for on-chip networks
BG Lee, X Chen, A Biberman, X Liu, IW Hsieh, CY Chou, JI Dadap, F Xia, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20 (6), 398-400, 2008
Engineering the Structural and Electronic Phases of MoTe through W Substitution
D Rhodes, DA Chenet, BE Janicek, C Nyby, Y Lin, W Jin, D Edelberg, ...
Nano Letters 17 (3), 1616–1622, 2017
Cross-phase modulation-induced spectral and temporal effects on co-propagating femtosecond pulses in silicon photonic wires
IW Hsieh, X Chen, JI Dadap, NC Panoiu, RM Osgood Jr, SJ McNab, ...
Optics Express 15 (3), 1135-1146, 2007
Ultrafast-pulse self-phase modulation and third-order dispersion in Si photonic wire-waveguides
IW Hsieh, X Chen, JI Dadap, NC Panoiu, RM Osgood Jr, SJ McNab, ...
Optics Express 14 (25), 12380-12387, 2006
Optical second-harmonic electroreflectance spectroscopy of a Si(001) metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
JI Dadap, XF Hu, MH Anderson, MC Downer, JK Lowell, OA Aktsipetrov
Physical Review B 53 (12), R7607, 1996
dc-electric-field-induced and low-frequency electromodulation second-harmonic generation spectroscopy of Si(001)− SiO interfaces
OA Aktsipetrov, AA Fedyanin, AV Melnikov, ED Mishina, AN Rubtsov, ...
Physical Review B 60 (12), 8924, 1999
Direct measurement of the tunable electronic structure of bilayer MoS by interlayer twist
PC Yeh, W Jin, N Zaki, J Kunstmann, D Chenet, G Arefe, JT Sadowski, ...
Nano Letters 16 (2), 953-959, 2016
Two-photon absorption in diamond and its application to ultraviolet femtosecond pulse-width measurement
JI Dadap, GB Focht, DH Reitze, MC Downer
Optics Letters 16 (7), 499-501, 1991
Layer-dependent electronic structure of an atomically heavy two-dimensional dichalcogenide
PC Yeh, W Jin, N Zaki, D Zhang, JT Liou, JT Sadowski, A Al-Mahboob, ...
Physical Review B 91 (4), 041407, 2015
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