Georgios Pierris, PhD
Georgios Pierris, PhD
Quantitative Researcher/Developer, eTrading, ING Bank
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Cited by
An interactive tool for designing complex robot motion patterns
G Pierris, MG Lagoudakis
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4013-4018, 2009
SYNAISTHISI: An enabling platform for the current internet of things ecosystem
G Pierris, D Kothris, E Spyrou, C Spyropoulos
Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 438-444, 2015
On the subjective difficulty of joystick-based robot arm teleoperation with auditory feedback
N Mavridis, G Pierris, P Gallina, Z Papamitsiou, U Saad
2015 IEEE 8th GCC Conference & Exhibition, 1-6, 2015
Subjective difficulty and indicators of performance of joystick-based robot arm teleoperation with auditory feedback
N Mavridis, G Pierris, P Gallina, N Moustakas, A Astaras
2015 International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 91-98, 2015
Compressed sparse code hierarchical som on learning and reproducing gestures in humanoid robots
G Pierris, TS Dahl
19th International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication …, 2010
Smart buildings and the human-machine cloud
N Mavridis, G Pierris, C BenAbdelkader, A Krstikj, C Karaiskos
2015 IEEE 8th GCC Conference & Exhibition, 1-6, 2015
Exploiting future internet technologies: the smart room case
C Akasiadis, E Spyrou, G Pierris, D Sgouropoulos, G Siantikos, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on PErvasive …, 2015
Learning robot control using a hierarchical som-based encoding
G Pierris, TS Dahl
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 9 (1), 30-43, 2017
A developmental perspective on humanoid skill learning using a hierarchical SOM-based encoding
G Pierris, TS Dahl
2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 708-715, 2014
Forensically classifying files using HSOM algorithms
G Pierris, S Vidalis
2012 Third International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web …, 2012
Adaptation of the model for assessment of telemedicine (MAST) for IoT telemedicine services
GE Dafoulas, G Pierris, S Martinez, L Kvistgaard Jensen, K Kidholm
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Applications, Services and …, 2017
Humanoid tactile gesture production using a hierarchical SOM-based encoding
G Pierris, TS Dahl
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 6 (2), 153-167, 2014
Soccer skills for humanoid robots
GF Pierris
Diploma thesis, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2009
Noxious-Kouretes 2011 SPL Team Description Paper⋆
E Chatzilaris, I Kyranou, J Ma, E Orfanoudakis, A Panakos, A Paraschos, ...
Deep Execution in Decentralized FX Markets: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
O Dahlen, I Anagnostou, G Pierris
International Conference on FinTech & Financial Data Science, 2019
Learning Robot Control using a Hierarchical SOM-based Encoding
TS Dahl, G Pierris
IEEE, 2017
Forensically Reconstructing Files Using HSOM Algorithms
G Pierris, S Vidalis
2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (2nd AI-IoT 2016)
C Spyropoulos, G Pierris, G Tzortzis
RoboCup 2008 Standard Platform League
A Panakos, A Paraschos, G Pierris, D Chroni, E Vafeias, E Chatzilaris, ...
RoboCup 2009 Standard Platform League
E Chatzilaris, E Vazaios, J Pazis, W Soulakis, A Paraschos, A Panakos, ...
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