Simone Di Prima
Simone Di Prima
Department of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences - University of Basilicata
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Soil science challenges in a new era: a transdisciplinary overview of relevant topics
J Rodrigo-Comino, M López-Vicente, V Kumar, A Rodríguez-Seijo, ...
Air, Soil and Water Research 13, 1178622120977491, 2020
Current wildland fire patterns and challenges in Europe: A synthesis of national perspectives
N Fernandez-Anez, A Krasovskiy, M Müller, H Vacik, J Baetens, E Hukić, ...
Air, Soil and Water Research 14, 11786221211028185, 2021
Rainfall simulation and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry for the analysis of soil water erosion in Mediterranean vineyards
M Prosdocimi, M Burguet, S Di Prima, G Sofia, E Terol, JR Comino, ...
Science of the Total Environment 574, 204-215, 2017
Testing a new automated single ring infiltrometer for Beerkan infiltration experiments
S Di Prima, L Lassabatčre, R Angulo-Jaramillo, V Bagarello, M Iovino
Geoderma 269, 20-34, 2016
Comparing alternative algorithms to analyze the beerkan infiltration experiment
V Bagarello, S Di Prima, M Iovino
Comparing Alternative Algorithms to Analyze the Beerkan Infiltration …, 2014
Soil physical quality of citrus orchards under tillage, herbicide, and organic managements
S Di Prima, J Rodrigo-Comino, A Novara, M Iovino, M Pirastru, S Keesstra, ...
Pedosphere 28 (3), 463-477, 2018
Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters (BEST) across soils and scales
R Angulo-Jaramillo, V Bagarello, S Di Prima, A Gosset, M Iovino, ...
Journal of Hydrology 576, 239-261, 2019
Estimating field‐saturated soil hydraulic conductivity by a simplified Beerkan infiltration experiment
V Bagarello, S Di Prima, M Iovino, G Provenzano
Hydrological Processes 28 (3), 1095-1103, 2014
Automated single ring infiltrometer with a low-cost microcontroller circuit
S Di Prima
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 118, 390–395, 2015
Soil hydraulic properties determined by infiltration experiments and different heights of water pouring
V Bagarello, M Castellini, S Di Prima, M Iovino
Geoderma 213, 492-501, 2014
Laboratory testing of Beerkan infiltration experiments for assessing the role of soil sealing on water infiltration
S Di Prima, P Concialdi, L Lassabatere, R Angulo-Jaramillo, M Pirastru, ...
Catena 167, 373-384, 2018
Determining hydraulic properties of a loam soil by alternative infiltrometer techniques
V Alagna, V Bagarello, S Di Prima, M Iovino
Hydrological Processes, 2015
Estimating saturated soil hydraulic conductivity by the near steady-state phase of a Beerkan infiltration test
V Bagarello, S Di Prima, I Massimo
Geoderma 303 (C), 70-77, 2017
Testing infiltration run effects on the estimated water transmission properties of a sandy-loam soil
V Alagna, V Bagarello, S Di Prima, G Giordano, M Iovino
Geoderma 267, 24-33, 2016
An assessment of the Beerkan method for determining the hydraulic properties of a sandy loam soil
R Aiello, V Bagarello, S Barbagallo, S Consoli, S Di Prima, G Giordano, ...
Geoderma 235, 300-307, 2014
Testing different approaches to characterize Burundian soils by the BEST procedure
V Bagarello, S Di Prima, M Iovino, G Provenzano, A Sgroi
Geoderma 162 (1-2), 141-150, 2011
Impacts of thinning of a Mediterranean oak forest on soil properties influencing water infiltration
S Di Prima, V Bagarello, R Angulo-Jaramillo, I Bautista, A Cerdŕ, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 65 (3), 2017
An assessment of the BEST procedure to estimate the soil water retention curve: A comparison with the evaporation method
M Castellini, S Di Prima, M Iovino
Geoderma 320, 82-94, 2018
A comparison between the single ring pressure infiltrometer and simplified falling head techniques
V Bagarello, G Baiamonte, M Castellini, S Di Prima, M Iovino
Hydrological Processes 28 (18), 4843-4853, 2014
Estimating the macroscopic capillary length from Beerkan infiltration experiments and its impact on saturated soil hydraulic conductivity predictions
S Di Prima, RD Stewart, M Castellini, V Bagarello, MR Abou Najm, ...
Journal of Hydrology 589, 125159, 2020
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Articles 1–20