Arto Nurmikko
Arto Nurmikko
Professor of Engineering and Physics, Brown University
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Optical properties of manganese-doped nanocrystals of ZnS
RN Bhargava, D Gallagher, X Hong, A Nurmikko
Physical Review Letters 72 (3), 416, 1994
Dielectric confinement effect on excitons in -based layered semiconductors
X Hong, T Ishihara, AV Nurmikko
Physical Review B 45 (12), 6961, 1992
Strongly interacting plasmon nanoparticle pairs: from dipole− dipole interaction to conductively coupled regime
T Atay, JH Song, AV Nurmikko
Nano letters 4 (9), 1627-1631, 2004
Blue‐green injection laser diodes in (Zn, Cd) Se/ZnSe quantum wells
H Jeon, J Ding, W Patterson, AV Nurmikko, W Xie, DC Grillo, M Kobayashi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 59 (27), 3619-3621, 1991
Red, green and blue lasing enabled by single-exciton gain in colloidal quantum dot films
C Dang, J Lee, C Breen, JS Steckel, S Coe-Sullivan, A Nurmikko
Nature nanotechnology 7 (5), 335-339, 2012
Pathway-specific feedforward circuits between thalamus and neocortex revealed by selective optical stimulation of axons
SJ Cruikshank, H Urabe, AV Nurmikko, BW Connors
Neuron 65 (2), 230-245, 2010
Large enhancement of fluorescence efficiency from CdSe/ZnS quantum dots induced by resonant coupling to spatially controlled surface plasmons
JH Song, T Atay, S Shi, H Urabe, AV Nurmikko
Nano letters 5 (8), 1557-1561, 2005
Nanotools for neuroscience and brain activity mapping
AP Alivisatos, AM Andrews, ES Boyden, M Chun, GM Church, ...
ACS nano 7 (3), 1850-1866, 2013
An implantable wireless neural interface for recording cortical circuit dynamics in moving primates
DA Borton, M Yin, J Aceros, A Nurmikko
Journal of neural engineering 10 (2), 026010, 2013
AlGaN/GaN quantum well ultraviolet light emitting diodes
J Han, MH Crawford, RJ Shul, JJ Figiel, M Banas, L Zhang, YK Song, ...
Applied physics letters 73 (12), 1688-1690, 1998
Compact blue-green lasers
WP Risk, TR Gosnell, AV Nurmikko
Cambridge University Press, 2003
Excitonic gain and laser emission in ZnSe-based quantum wells
J Ding, H Jeon, T Ishihara, M Hagerott, AV Nurmikko, H Luo, N Samarth, ...
Physical review letters 69 (11), 1707, 1992
Graded band gap ohmic contact to p‐ZnSe
Y Fan, J Han, L He, J Saraie, RL Gunshor, M Hagerott, H Jeon, ...
Applied physics letters 61 (26), 3160-3162, 1992
Strong coupling in a microcavity LED
JR Tischler, MS Bradley, V Buloviæ, JH Song, A Nurmikko
Physical review letters 95 (3), 036401, 2005
A photonic crystal laser from solution based organo-lead iodide perovskite thin films
S Chen, K Roh, J Lee, WK Chong, Y Lu, N Mathews, TC Sum, A Nurmikko
Acs Nano 10 (4), 3959-3967, 2016
Assistive technology and robotic control using motor cortex ensemble‐based neural interface systems in humans with tetraplegia
JP Donoghue, A Nurmikko, M Black, LR Hochberg
The Journal of physiology 579 (3), 603-611, 2007
Integrated device for optical stimulation and spatiotemporal electrical recording of neural activity in light-sensitized brain tissue
J Zhang, F Laiwalla, JA Kim, H Urabe, R Van Wagenen, YK Song, ...
Journal of neural engineering 6 (5), 055007, 2009
Ultrafast time resolved photoinduced magnetization rotation in a ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic exchange coupled system
G Ju, AV Nurmikko, RFC Farrow, RF Marks, MJ Carey, BA Gurney
Physical review letters 82 (18), 3705, 1999
Enhanced Magnetooptical Response in Dumbbell-like Ag−CoFe2O4 Nanoparticle Pairs
Y Li, Q Zhang, AV Nurmikko, S Sun
Nano letters 5 (9), 1689-1692, 2005
Quasi-two-dimensional excitons in (Zn, Cd) Se/ZnSe quantum wells: Reduced exciton–LO-phonon coupling due to confinement effects
NT Pelekanos, J Ding, M Hagerott, AV Nurmikko, H Luo, N Samarth, ...
Physical Review B 45 (11), 6037, 1992
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Articles 1–20