Anna R Adlam
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Cited by
Working memory and the control of action: evidence from task switching.
A Baddeley, D Chincotta, A Adlam
Journal of experimental psychology: General 130 (4), 641, 2001
Hyperphagia, severe obesity, impaired cognitive function, and hyperactivity associated with functional loss of one copy of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene
J Gray, GSH Yeo, JJ Cox, J Morton, ALR Adlam, JM Keogh, JA Yanovski, ...
Diabetes 55 (12), 3366-3371, 2006
Teen‐aged mothers in contemporary Britain
TE Moffitt
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 43 (6), 727-742, 2002
Semantic knowledge in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease
ALR Adlam, S Bozeat, R Arnold, P Watson, JR Hodges
Cortex 42 (5), 675-684, 2006
Good Test‐Retest Reliability for Standard and Advanced False‐Belief Tasks across a Wide Range of Abilities
C Hughes, A Adlam, F Happe, J Jackson, A Taylor, A Caspi
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 41 (4), 483-490, 2003
Semantic dementia and fluent primary progressive aphasia: two sides of the same coin?
ALR Adlam, K Patterson, TT Rogers, PJ Nestor, CH Salmond, ...
Brain 129 (11), 3066-3080, 2006
Moral decision-making and moral development: Toward an integrative framework
B Garrigan, ALR Adlam, PE Langdon
Developmental review 49, 80-100, 2018
Enhanced task-related brain activation and resting perfusion in healthy older adults after chronic blueberry supplementation
JL Bowtell, Z Aboo-Bakkar, ME Conway, ALR Adlam, J Fulford
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 42 (7), 773-779, 2017
The Cambridge Semantic Memory Test Battery: Detection of semantic deficits in semantic dementia and Alzheimer's disease
ALR Adlam, K Patterson, S Bozeat, JR Hodges
Neurocase 16 (3), 193-207, 2010
The neural correlates of moral decision-making: A systematic review and meta-analysis of moral evaluations and response decision judgements
B Garrigan, ALR Adlam, PE Langdon
Brain and cognition 108, 88-97, 2016
Are attentional control resources reduced by worry in generalized anxiety disorder?
E Stefanopoulou, CR Hirsch, S Hayes, A Adlam, S Coker
Journal of abnormal psychology 123 (2), 330, 2014
Repeat and point: differentiating semantic dementia from progressive non-fluent aphasia
JR Hodges, M Martinos, AM Woollams, K Patterson, ALR Adlam
cortex 44 (9), 1265-1270, 2008
Deferred imitation of action sequences in developmental amnesia
ALR Adlam, F Vargha-Khadem, M Mishkin, M Haan
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (2), 240-248, 2005
A meta-analysis of working memory impairments in survivors of moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.
DL Dunning, B Westgate, ALR Adlam
Neuropsychology 30 (7), 811, 2016
Assessment of individuals with primary progressive aphasia
ML Henry, SM Grasso
Seminars in speech and language 39 (03), 231-241, 2018
Telepsychotherapy with children and families: Lessons gleaned from two decades of translational research.
SL Wade, LM Gies, AP Fisher, EL Moscato, AR Adlam, A Bardoni, C Corti, ...
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 30 (2), 332, 2020
“I remember it as if it were yesterday”: memory for recent events in patients with semantic dementia
ALR Adlam, K Patterson, JR Hodges
Neuropsychologia 47 (5), 1344-1351, 2009
Dissociation between recognition and recall in developmental amnesia
ALR Adlam, M Malloy, M Mishkin, F Vargha-Khadem
Neuropsychologia 47 (11), 2207-2210, 2009
The academic outcomes of working memory and metacognitive strategy training in children: A double‐blind randomized controlled trial
JS Jones, F Milton, M Mostazir, AR Adlam
Developmental science 23 (4), e12870, 2020
A model for pediatric neurocognitive interventions: Considering the role of development and maturation in rehabilitation planning
J Limond, ALR Adlam, M Cormack
The Clinical Neuropsychologist 28 (2), 181-198, 2014
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