Laura Naismith
Laura Naismith
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto
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Mobile technologies and learning
L Naismith, P Lonsdale, GN Vavoula, M Sharples
Futurelab, 2004
A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to enhance teaching effectiveness: A 10-year update: BEME Guide No. 40
Y Steinert, K Mann, B Anderson, BM Barnett, A Centeno, L Naismith, ...
Medical teacher 38 (8), 769-786, 2016
Guidelines for learning/teaching/tutoring in a mobile environment
C O'Malley, G Vavoula, JP Glew, J Taylor, M Sharples, P Lefrere, ...
Faculty development initiatives designed to promote leadership in medical education. A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 19
Y Steinert, L Naismith, K Mann
Medical teacher 34 (6), 483-503, 2012
Limitations of subjective cognitive load measures in simulation‐based procedural training
LM Naismith, JJH Cheung, C Ringsted, RB Cavalcanti
Medical education 49 (8), 805-814, 2015
Reflections on success: A retrospective of the mLearn conference series 2002-2005
L Naismith, D Corlett
mLearn 2006: Across generations and cultures, 29 pages, 2006
Validity of cognitive load measures in simulation-based training: a systematic review
LM Naismith, RB Cavalcanti
Academic Medicine 90 (11), S24-S35, 2015
Using text messaging to support administrative communication in higher education
L Naismith
Active Learning in Higher Education 8 (2), 155-171, 2007
Collaborative learning with a wiki: Differences in perceived usefulness in two contexts of use
L Naismith, BH Lee, RM Pilkington
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27 (3), 228-242, 2011
Evaluation of CAERUS: a context aware mobile guide
L Naismith, M Sharples, J Ting
mLearn 2005, ., 2005
NESTA Futurelab Report 11: Literature review in mobile technologies and learning
L Naismith, P Lonsdale, G Vavoula, M Sharples
Bristol, UK: Nesta Futurelab, 2004
Success, failure and emotions: Examining the relationship between performance feedback and emotions in diagnostic reasoning
A Jarrell, JM Harley, S Lajoie, L Naismith
Educational Technology Research and Development 65, 1263-1284, 2017
Cognitive load predicts point-of-care ultrasound simulator performance
S Aldekhyl, RB Cavalcanti, LM Naismith
Perspectives on medical education 7, 23-32, 2018
Using mobile technologies for multimedia tours in a traditional museum setting
L Naismith, MP Smith
Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training, 247-264, 2009
WP4–Guidelines for learning/teaching/tutoring in a mobile environment
C O’Malley, G Vavoula, JP Glew, J Taylor, M Sharples, P Lefrere, ...
MOBIlearn (IST-2001-37187), 2003
Technology-rich tools to support self-regulated learning and performance in medicine
SP Lajoie, L Naismith, E Poitras, YJ Hong, I Cruz-Panesso, J Ranellucci, ...
International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies, 229-242, 2013
Motivation and emotion predict medical students’ attention to computer-based feedback
LM Naismith, SP Lajoie
Advances in Health Sciences Education 23, 465-485, 2018
Pain catastrophizing correlates with early mild traumatic brain injury outcome
G Chaput, SP Lajoie, LM Naismith, G Lavigne
Pain research and management 2016 (1), 2825856, 2016
Person-Oriented Approaches to Profiling Learners in Technology-Rich Learning Environments for Ecological Learner Modeling
EE Jang, SP Lajoie, M Wagner, Z Xu, E Poitras, L Naismith
Journal of Educational Computing Research 55 (4), 552-597, 2017
Computer algebra based assessment of mathematics online
L Naismith, CJ Sangwin
8th Annual CAA Conference, 235-242, 2004
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Articles 1–20