Rahmad Mahendra
Cited by
Cited by
NusaCrowd: Open Source Initiative for Indonesian NLP Resources
S Cahyawijaya, H Lovenia, AF Aji, G Winata, B Wilie, F Koto, R Mahendra, ...
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, 13745-13818, 2023
IndoNLU: Benchmark and resources for evaluating Indonesian natural language understanding
B Wilie, K Vincentio, GI Winata, S Cahyawijaya, X Li, ZY Lim, S Soleman, ...
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the …, 2020
Emotion classification on indonesian twitter dataset
MS Saputri, R Mahendra, M Adriani
2018 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 90-95, 2018
One Country, 700+ Languages: NLP Challenges for Underrepresented Languages and Dialects in Indonesia
AF Aji, GI Winata, F Koto, S Cahyawijaya, A Romadhony, R Mahendra, ...
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2022
Nusax: Multilingual parallel sentiment dataset for 10 indonesian local languages
GI Winata, AF Aji, S Cahyawijaya, R Mahendra, F Koto, A Romadhony, ...
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2023
Normalization of Indonesian-English code-mixed Twitter data
AM Barik, R Mahendra, M Adriani
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2019 …, 2019
A two-level morphological analyser for the indonesian language
F Pisceldo, R Mahendra, R Manurung, IW Arka
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop …, 2008
MultiLexNorm: A shared task on multilingual lexical normalization
R Van Der Goot, A Ramponi, A Zubiaga, B Plank, B Muller, ISV Roncal, ...
Seventh Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2021), 493-509, 2021
We know you are living in bali: Location prediction of twitter users using bert language model
LF Simanjuntak, R Mahendra, E Yulianti
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6 (3), 77, 2022
IndoNLI: A Natural Language Inference Dataset for Indonesian
R Mahendra, AF Aji, S Louvan, F Rahman, C Vania
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2021
Acquiring relational patterns from wikipedia: A case study
R Mahendra, L Wanzare, B Magnini, R Bernardi, A Lavelli
Proc. of the 5th Language and Technology Conference, 2011
Named entity recognition on Indonesian Twitter posts using long short-term memory networks
V Rachman, S Savitri, F Augustianti, R Mahendra
2017 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information …, 2017
Semi-supervised low-resource style transfer of indonesian informal to formal language with iterative forward-translation
HA Wibowo, TA Prawiro, M Ihsan, AF Aji, RE Prasojo, R Mahendra, ...
2020 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 310-315, 2020
Multi-Task Active Learning for Neural Semantic Role Labeling on Low Resource Conversational Corpus
F Ikhwantri, S Louvan, K Kurniawan, B Abisena, V Rachman, ...
Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP …, 2018
Extending an Indonesian semantic analysis-based question answering system with linguistic and world knowledge axioms
R Mahendra, SD Larasati, R Manurung
Proceedings of PACLIC 22, 262-271, 2008
Traffic and road conditions monitoring system using extracted information from Twitter
PK Putra, R Mahendra, I Budi
Journal of Big Data 9 (1), 65, 2022
Two-steps graph-based collaborative filtering using user and item similarities: Case study of E-commerce recommender systems
AA Putra, R Mahendra, I Budi, Q Munajat
2017 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE), 1-6, 2017
Multiclass sms message categorization: Beyond spam binary classification
FK Dewi, MMR Fadhlurrahman, MD Rahmanianto, R Mahendra
2017 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information …, 2017
Implementation of weighted parallel hybrid recommender systems for e-commerce in indonesia
M Aprilianti, R Mahendra, I Budi
2016 International conference on advanced computer science and information …, 2016
Stock price movement prediction using technical analysis and sentiment analysis
TW Sagala, MS Saputri, R Mahendra, I Budi
Proceedings of the 2020 2nd Asia pacific information technology conference …, 2020
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Articles 1–20