Average internal rate of return and investment decisions: a new perspective CA Magni The Engineering Economist 55 (2), 150-180, 2010 | 218 | 2010 |
The internal rate of return approach and the AIRR paradigm: a refutation and a corroboration CA Magni The Engineering Economist 58 (2), 73-111, 2013 | 123 | 2013 |
Investment decisions and sensitivity analysis: NPV-consistency of rates of return A Marchioni, CA Magni European Journal of Operational Research 268 (1), 361-372, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
Investment decisions, net present value and bounded rationality CA Magni Quantitative Finance 9 (8), 967-979, 2009 | 91 | 2009 |
Splitting up value: A critical review of residual income theories CA Magni European Journal of Operational Research 198 (1), 1-22, 2009 | 86 | 2009 |
Investment, financing and the role of ROA and WACC in value creation CA Magni European Journal of Operational Research 244 (3), 855-866, 2015 | 85 | 2015 |
AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH TO FIRMS'EVALUATION: EXPERT SYSTEMS AND FUZZY LOGIC CA Magni, S Malagoli, G Mastroleo International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 5 (01 …, 2006 | 74 | 2006 |
Average rates of return, working capital, and NPV-consistency in project appraisal: A sensitivity analysis approach CA Magni, A Marchioni International Journal of Production Economics 229, 107769, 2020 | 70 | 2020 |
Investment decisions in the theory of finance: Some antinomies and inconsistencies CA Magni European Journal of Operational Research 137 (1), 206-217, 2002 | 60 | 2002 |
Aggregate return on investment and investment decisions: A cash-flow perspective CA Magni The Engineering Economist 56 (2), 140-169, 2011 | 59* | 2011 |
Correct or incorrect application of CAPM? Correct or incorrect decisions with CAPM? CA Magni European Journal of Operational Research 192 (2), 549-560, 2009 | 55 | 2009 |
Modelli di sviluppo a macchia d'olio. Ipotesi di lettura dell'evoluzione di sistemi locali C Magni FrancoAngeli, 1999 | 44 | 1999 |
Investment decisions and the logic of valuation CA Magni Springer International Publishing, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Why IRR is not the rate of return for your investment: Introducing AIRR to the real estate community D Altshuler, CA Magni Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 18 (2), 219-230, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
Capital depreciation and the underdetermination of rate of return: A unifying perspective CA Magni Journal of Mathematical Economics 67, 54-79, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
The use of fuzzy logic and expert systems for rating and pricing firms: a new perspective on valuation S Malagoli, CA Magni, G Mastroleo Managerial Finance 33 (11), 836-852, 2007 | 38 | 2007 |
Relevance or irrelevance of retention for dividend policy irrelevance CA Magni International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics, 232-247, 2010 | 36 | 2010 |
Interval and fuzzy average internal rate of return for investment appraisal ML Guerra, CA Magni, L Stefanini Fuzzy Sets and Systems 257, 217-241, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm CA Magni European Journal of Operational Research 201 (2), 505-519, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Decomposition of net final values: Systemic Value Added and residual income CA Magni Bulletin of Economic Research 55 (2), 149-176, 2003 | 30 | 2003 |