Pierre Dupraz
Pierre Dupraz
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Collaborative governance arrangements to deliver spatially coordinated agri-environmental management
J Westerink, R Jongeneel, N Polman, K Prager, J Franks, P Dupraz, ...
Land Use Policy 69, 176-192, 2017
An investigation of policy administrative costs using panel data for the English environmentally sensitive areas
K Falconer, P Dupraz, M Whitby
Journal of agricultural economics 52 (1), 83-103, 2001
The Environmental Supply of Farm Households: A Flexible Willingness to Accept Model
P Dupraz, D Vermersch, BH De Frahan, L Delvaux
Environmental and resource economics 25, 171-189, 2003
Agri-environment contract adoption under fixed and variable compliance costs
G Ducos, P Dupraz, F Bonnieux
Journal of environmental planning and management 52 (5), 669-687, 2009
Environment and climate in the common agricultural policy
P Dupraz, H Guyomard
EuroChoices 18 (1), 18-25, 2019
Quelle contribution de l'agriculture française à la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre? Potentiel d'atténuation et coût de dix actions techniques
S Pellerin, L Bamière, D Angers, F Béline, M Benoit, JP Butault, C Chenu, ...
INRA, 2013
Does intensity of change matter? Factors affecting adoption of agri-environmental schemes in Spain
J Barreiro-Hurlé, M Espinosa-Goded, P Dupraz
Journal of environmental planning and management 53 (7), 891-905, 2010
Identifying cost-competitive greenhouse gas mitigation potential of French agriculture
S Pellerin, L Bamière, D Angers, F Béline, M Benoit, JP Butault, C Chenu, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 77, 130-139, 2017
Associations among goods, impacts and ecosystem services provided by livestock farming
B Dumont, J Ryschawy, M Duru, M Benoit, V Chatellier, L Delaby, ...
Animal 13 (8), 1773-1784, 2019
Agri‐environment scheme design: Past lessons and future suggestions
P Cullen, P Dupraz, J Moran, P Murphy, R O'Flaherty, C O'Donoghue, ...
EuroChoices 17 (3), 26-30, 2018
Trends in family labour, hired labour and contract work on French field crop farms: The role of the Common Agricultural Policy
P Dupraz, L Latruffe
Food Policy 51, 104-118, 2015
Implementation of eco‐schemes in fifteen European Union Member States
T Runge, U Latacz‐Lohmann, L Schaller, K Todorova, C Daugbjerg, ...
EuroChoices 21 (2), 19-27, 2022
Evaluating the impact of rural development measures on nature value indicators at different spatial levels: Application to France and The Netherlands
Y Desjeux, P Dupraz, T Kuhlman, ML Paracchini, R Michels, É Maigné, ...
Ecological Indicators 59, 41-61, 2015
Threshold effect and co-ordination of agri-environmental efforts
P Dupraz, K Latouche, N Turpin
Journal of environmental planning and management 52 (5), 613-630, 2009
Private provision of environmental services and transaction costs: Agro-environmental contracts in France
G Ducos, P Dupraz
3. World congress of Environmental and resource economists, 24 p., 2006
Research for AGRI Committee-The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU's natural resources
H Guyomard, JC Bureau, V Chatellier, C Detang-Dessendre, P Dupraz, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2020
Identifying additional barriers in the adoption of agri-environmental schemes: The role of fixed costs
M Espinosa-Goded, J Barreiro-Hurlé, P Dupraz
Land Use Policy 31, 526-535, 2013
Les flux d’azote liés aux élevages: réduire les pertes, rétablir les équilibres
JL Peyraud, P Cellier, F Aarts, F Béline, CC Bockstaller, M Bourblanc, ...
Ministère de l'alimentation, de l'agriculture et de la pêche et Ministère de …, 2012
Stratégies des producteurs en zone caféière et cacaoyère du Cameroun. Quelles adaptations à la crise?
B Losch, JL Fusillier, P Dupraz
Farmers' participation in European agri-environmental policies
P Dupraz, I Vanslembrouck, F Bonnieux, G Van Huylenbroeck
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Articles 1–20