Heather F. Smith
Heather F. Smith
Professor, Midwestern University, Editor-in-Chief of The Anatomical Record
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Which cranial regions reflect molecular distances reliably in humans? Evidence from three‐dimensional morphology
HF Smith
American Journal of Human Biology: The Official Journal of the Human Biology …, 2009
Standardized statement for the ethical use of human cadaveric tissues in anatomy research papers: Recommendations from Anatomical Journal Editors‐in‐Chief
J Iwanaga, V Singh, S Takeda, J Ogeng'o, HJ Kim, J Mory¶, KS Ravi, ...
Clinical Anatomy 35 (4), 526-528, 2022
Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic distribution of the mammalian cecal appendix
HF Smith, RE Fisher, ML Everett, AD Thomas, R Randal Bollinger, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 22 (10), 1984-1999, 2009
Genetic, geographic, and environmental correlates of human temporal bone variation
HF Smith, CE Terhune, CA Lockwood
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 134 (3), 312-322, 2007
Molar microwear and dietary reconstructions of fossil Cercopithecoidea from the Plio-Pleistocene deposits of South Africa
S El-Zaatari, FE Grine, MF Teaford, HF Smith
Journal of Human Evolution 49 (2), 180-205, 2005
The role of genetic drift in shaping modern human cranial evolution: a test using microevolutionary modeling
HF Smith
International journal of evolutionary biology 2011 (1), 145262, 2011
Cladistic analysis of early Homo crania from Swartkrans and Sterkfontein, South Africa
HF Smith, FE Grine
Journal of Human Evolution 54 (5), 684-704, 2008
Multiple independent appearances of the cecal appendix in mammalian evolution and an investigation of related ecological and anatomical factors
HF Smith, W Parker, SH Kotzé, M Laurin
Comptes Rendus Palevol 12 (6), 339-354, 2013
Controllability in environmental enrichment for captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
EN Videan, J Fritz, ML Schwandt, HF Smith, S Howell
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 8 (2), 117-130, 2005
Teaching anatomy with dissection in the time of COVID‐19 is essential and possible
CF Ross, MJ Pescitelli, HF Smith, JM Williams
Clinical Anatomy (New York, Ny) 34 (8), 1135, 2021
Comparative morphometrics of the primate apical tuft
ES Mittra, HF Smith, P Lemelin, WL Jungers
American journal of physical anthropology 134 (4), 449-459, 2007
Morphological evolution of the mammalian cecum and cecal appendix
HF Smith, W Parker, SH Kotzé, M Laurin
Comptes Rendus Palevol 16, 39-57, 2017
The relative congruence of cranial and genetic estimates of hominoid taxon relationships: Implications for the reconstruction of hominin phylogeny
N von Cramon-Taubadel, HF Smith
Journal of human evolution 62 (5), 640-653, 2012
Anatomical variations in the brachial plexus roots: implications for diagnosis of neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
V Leonhard, R Smith, G Caldwell, HF Smith
Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 206, 21-26, 2016
A 3-D geometric morphometric study of intraspecific variation in the ontogeny of the temporal bone in modern Homo sapiens
HF Smith, T Ritzman, E Otárola-Castillo, CE Terhune
Journal of human evolution 65 (5), 479-489, 2013
Phenetic Affinities of Plio-Pleistocene Homo Fossils from South Africa: Molar Cusp Proportions
FE Grine, HF Smith, CP Heesy, EJ Smith
The First Humans–Origin and Early Evolution of the Genus Homo: Contributions …, 2009
Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Secondary to Brachial Plexus Piercing Variation
V Leonhard, G Caldwell, M Goh, S Reeder, HF Smith
Diagnostics 7 (3), 40, 2017
Population genetic structure of traditional populations in the Peruvian Central Andes and implications for South American population history
GS Cabana, CM Lewis Jr, RY Tito, RA Covey, AM Cáceres, AFDL Cruz, ...
Human biology 86 (3), 147-165, 2014
Molar enamel thickness in the Chacma Baboon, Papio ursinus (kerr 1792)
FE Grine, MA Spencer, B Demes, HF Smith, DS Strait, DA Constant
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2005
Training captive chimpanzees to cooperate for an anesthetic injection
EN Videan, J Fritz, J Murphy, R Borman, HF Smith, S Howell
Lab animal 34 (5), 43, 2005
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Articles 1–20