Anders Madsen
Anders Madsen
Group leader, Leading scientist, Professor
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Photon beam transport and scientific instruments at the European XFEL
T Tschentscher, C Bressler, J Grünert, A Madsen, AP Mancuso, M Meyer, ...
Applied Sciences 7 (6), 592, 2017
Beyond simple exponential correlation functions and equilibrium dynamics in x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
A Madsen, RL Leheny, H Guo, M Sprung, O Czakkel
New Journal of Physics 12 (5), 055001, 2010
Capillary waves at the transition from propagating to overdamped behavior
A Madsen, T Seydel, M Sprung, C Gutt, M Tolan, G Grübel
Physical review letters 92 (9), 096104, 2004
Dynamics of nanoparticles in a supercooled liquid
C Caronna, Y Chushkin, A Madsen, A Cupane
Physical review letters 100 (5), 055702, 2008
Liquid-crystalline nematic phase in aqueous suspensions of a disk-shaped natural beidellite clay
E Paineau, K Antonova, C Baravian, I Bihannic, P Davidson, I Dozov, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (48), 15858-15869, 2009
Slow dynamics and aging in colloidal gels studied by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
A Fluerasu, A Moussaïd, A Madsen, A Schofield
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (1 …, 2007
Capillary waves in slow motion
T Seydel, A Madsen, M Tolan, G Grübel, W Press
Physical Review B 63 (7), 073409, 2001
Observation of Heterodyne Mixing in Surface X-Ray Photon Correlation<? format?> Spectroscopy Experiments
C Gutt, T Ghaderi, V Chamard, A Madsen, T Seydel, M Tolan, M Sprung, ...
Physical review letters 91 (7), 076104, 2003
Cryogenic x-ray diffraction microscopy for biological samples
E Lima, L Wiegart, P Pernot, M Howells, J Timmins, F Zontone, A Madsen
Physical Review Letters 103 (19), 198102, 2009
Soft matter characterization
G Grübel, A Madsen, A Robert
X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy 18, 2008
Advances in synchrotron hard X-ray based imaging
J Baruchel, P Bleuet, A Bravin, P Coan, E Lima, A Madsen, W Ludwig, ...
Comptes Rendus. Physique 9 (5-6), 624-641, 2008
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
G Grübel, A Madsen, A Robert
Soft Matter Characterization, 954-955, 2008
Heterogeneous and anisotropic dynamics of a 2D gel
D Orsi, L Cristofolini, G Baldi, A Madsen
Physical review letters 108 (10), 105701, 2012
Smectic membranes in motion: Approaching the fast limits of X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
I Sikharulidze, IP Dolbnya, A Fera, A Madsen, BI Ostrovskii, WH de Jeu
Physical review letters 88 (11), 115503, 2002
Three-dimensional coherent X-ray diffractive imaging of whole frozen-hydrated cells
JA Rodriguez, R Xu, CC Chen, Z Huang, H Jiang, AL Chen, KS Raines, ...
IUCrJ 2 (5), 575-583, 2015
Dichotomic aging behaviour in a colloidal glass
R Angelini, L Zulian, A Fluerasu, A Madsen, G Ruocco, B Ruzicka
Soft Matter 9 (46), 10955-10959, 2013
Structural dynamics of materials probed by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
A Madsen, A Fluerasu, B Ruta
Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers: Accelerator Physics …, 2020
Development of a hard X-ray split-and-delay line and performance simulations for two-color pump-probe experiments at the European XFEL
W Lu, B Friedrich, T Noll, K Zhou, J Hallmann, G Ansaldi, T Roth, S Serkez, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (6), 2018
A novel event correlation scheme for X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Y Chushkin, C Caronna, A Madsen
Journal of Applied Crystallography 45 (4), 807-813, 2012
Emergence of anomalous dynamics in soft matter probed at the European XFEL
F Lehmkühler, F Dallari, A Jain, M Sikorski, J Möller, L Frenzel, I Lokteva, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (39), 24110-24116, 2020
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Articles 1–20