K. Neil Jenkings
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Cited by
Military identities in the situated accounts of British military personnel
R Woodward, K Neil Jenkings
Sociology 45 (2), 252-268, 2011
Integrating telecare for chronic disease management in the community: what needs to be done?
CR May, TL Finch, J Cornford, C Exley, C Gately, S Kirk, KN Jenkings, ...
BMC health services research 11 (1), 131, 2011
The emergent production of analysis in photo elicitation: Pictures of military identity
NK Jenkings, R Woodward, T Winter
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 9 (3), 2008
Geography, military geography, and critical military studies
M Rech, D Bos, KN Jenkings, A Williams, R Woodward
Critical Military Studies 1 (1), 47-60, 2015
What constitutes evidence in hospital new drug decision making?
KN Jenkings, N Barber
Social science & medicine 58 (9), 1757-1766, 2004
Wootton Bassett and the political spaces of remembrance and mourning
KN Jenkings, N Megoran, R Woodward, D Bos
Area 44 (3), 356-363, 2012
Heroic anxieties: the figure of the British soldier in contemporary print media
R Woodward, T Winter, KN Jenkings
Journal of War & Culture Studies 2 (2), 211-223, 2009
‘This place isn't worth the left boot of one of our boys’: Geopolitics, militarism and memoirs of the Afghanistan war
R Woodward, KN Jenkings
Political Geography 31 (8), 495-508, 2012
R Woodward, KN Jenkings
Bodies and the Contemporary British Military Memoir’. In War and the Body …, 2014
Reserve forces and the transformation of British military organisation: soldiers, citizens and society
T Edmunds, A Dawes, P Higate, KN Jenkings, R Woodward
Defence Studies 16 (2), 118-136, 2016
Military occupations: Methodological approaches and the military–academy research nexus
KN Jenkings, R Woodward, AJ Williams, MF Rech, AL Murphy, D Bos
Sociology Compass 5 (1), 37-51, 2011
Document analysis
T Rapley, KN Jenkings
Elsevier, 2010
The Routledge Companion to Military Research Methods
AJ Williams, N Jenkings, R Woodward, MF Rech
Routledge, 2016
Situationally-sensitive knowledge translation and relational decision making in hyperacute stroke: a qualitative study
MJ Murtagh, DLB Watson, KN Jenkings, MLS Lie, JE Mackintosh, GA Ford, ...
PloS one 7 (6), e37066, 2012
Bringing war to book: Writing and producing the military memoir
R Woodward, KN Jenkings
Springer, 2018
Military memoirs, their covers and the reproduction of public narratives of war
R Woodward, NK Jenkings
Journal of War & Culture Studies 5 (3), 349-369, 2012
Multi-tasking in practice: Coordinated activities in the computer supported doctor–patient consultation
M Gibson, KN Jenkings, R Wilson, I Purves
International journal of medical informatics 74 (6), 425-436, 2005
Securing the data economy: translating privacy and enacting security in the development of DataSHIELD
MJ Murtagh, I Demir, KN Jenkings, SE Wallace, B Murtagh, M Boniol, ...
Public Health Genomics 15 (5), 243-253, 2012
Militarization, stigma, and resistance: negotiating military reservist identity in the civilian workplace
P Higate, A Dawes, T Edmunds, KN Jenkings, R Woodward
Critical Military Studies, 1-19, 2019
Militarisation, universities and the university armed service units
R Woodward, KN Jenkings, AJ Williams
Political Geography 60, 203-212, 2017
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