Peter Moertl
Peter Moertl
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH
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Cases of social innovation: Lessons from two innovations in the 20th century
MD Mumford, P Moertl
Creativity research journal 15 (2-3), 261-266, 2003
Expertise and chess: A pilot study comparing situation awareness methodologies
FT Durso, TR Truitt, CA Hackworth, JM Crutchfield, D Nikolic, PM Moertl, ...
Experimental analysis and measurement of situation awareness, 295-303, 1995
Driveability analysis of the european rail transport management system (ERTMS)-A systematic literature review
T Rosberg, T Cavalcanti, B Thorslund, E Prytz, P Moertl
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 18, 100240, 2021
Aiding planning in air traffic control: An experimental investigation of the effects of perceptual information integration
PM Moertl, JM Canning, SD Gronlund, MRP Dougherty, J Johansson, ...
Human factors 44 (3), 404-412, 2002
Fluid interface concept for automated driving
P Pretto, P Mörtl, N Neuhuber
HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems. Automated Driving and In …, 2020
Considerations for interval management operations in a mixed-equipage environment
L Weitz, J Hammer, R Bone, W Penhallegon, P Moertl
12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference …, 2012
Naturalistic decision making in the air traffic control tower: Combining approaches to support changes in procedures
C Bonaceto, S Estes, P Moertl, K Burns
th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Amsterdam, The …, 2005
Quantified cars: An exploration of the position of ICT start-ups vs. car manufacturers towards digital car services and sustainable business models
C Kaiser, A Stocker, G Viscusi, A Festl, P Moertl, M Glitzner
2nd International Conference on New Business Models (NBM2017), 2017
An operational concept and evaluation of airline based en route sequencing and spacing
P Moertl, E Beaton, P Lee, V Battiste, N Smith
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 6552, 2007
Results from the initial surface management system field tests
S Atkins, C Brinton, D Walton, K Arkind, P Moertl, T Carniol
Proc. of the Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, 2003
Test of an optional strip posting and marking procedure
TR Truitt, FT Durso, JM Crutchfield, PM Moertl, CA Manning
Air Traffic Control Quarterly 8 (2), 131-154, 2000
Methods, systems and computer program products for communicating auditory alert to aircraft
DT Peed, PM Moertl, DA Domino, JD Nickum
US Patent 7,835,827, 2010
Key Performance Indicators for safe fluid interactions within automated vehicles
M Sekadakis, C Katrakazas, E Santuccio, P Mörtl, G Yannis
Proceedings of the 10 International Congress of Transportation Research …, 2021
Human-systems integration for driving automation systems: Holistic approach for driver role integration and automation allocation for European mobility needs
P Moertl
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 78-88, 2020
Field test results of an airline based en route sequencing and spacing tool
PM Moertl, WC Arthur, ME Pollack, JL Stein, L Zheng
2009 IEEE/AIAA 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 3. E. 1-1-3. E. 1-15, 2009
Workload and performance in FOPA: A strategic planning interface for air traffic control
PM Moertl, JM Canning, J Johansson, SD Gronlund, MRP Dougherty, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 44 …, 2000
Modelling driver styles based on driving data
P Mörtl, A Festl, P Wimmer, C Kaiser, A Stocker, D de Waard, F Di Nocera, ...
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2017 Annual Conference, 2017
Airline based en route sequencing and spacing field test results: Observations and lessons learned for extended metering
PM Moertl
9th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Berlin, Germany, 2011
Results of a Human-in-the-Loop Simulation Evaluating an Enhanced Runway Safety System With Ground-Based Direct Pilot Warnings
KA McGarry, PM Moertl
MTR060154, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, 2006
Factors for predicting airport surface characteristics and prediction accuracy of the surface management system
PM Moertl, JM Hitt, S Atkins, C Brinton, DH Walton
SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems …, 2003
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Articles 1–20