Simon Finfer
Simon Finfer
Professor of Critical Care Medicine
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Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critically ill patients
S Finfer, TNSS Investigators
New England Journal of Medicine 360, 1283-1297, 2009
Global, regional, and national sepsis incidence and mortality, 1990–2017: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study
KE Rudd, SC Johnson, KM Agesa, KA Shackelford, D Tsoi, DR Kievlan, ...
The Lancet 395 (10219), 200-211, 2020
A comparison of albumin and saline for fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit
SAFE Study Investigators
New England Journal of Medicine 350 (22), 2247-2256, 2004
Ventilator-induced lung injury
AS Slutsky, VM Ranieri
New England Journal of Medicine 369 (22), 2126-2136, 2013
Hydroxyethyl starch or saline for fluid resuscitation in intensive care
JA Myburgh, S Finfer, R Bellomo, L Billot, A Cass, D Gattas, P Glass, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 367 (20), 1901-1911, 2012
Intensity of continuous renal-replacement therapy in critically ill patients
RENAL Replacement Therapy Study Investigators
New England Journal of Medicine 361 (17), 1627-1638, 2009
Introduction of the medical emergency team (MET) system: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
MERIT Study Investigators
The Lancet 365 (9477), 2091-2097, 2005
Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in adults with septic shock
VM Ranieri, BT Thompson, PS Barie, JF Dhainaut, IS Douglas, S Finfer, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 366 (22), 2055-2064, 2012
Critical Care Services and 2009 H1N1 Influenza in Australia and New Zealand
SA Webb, V Pettilä, I Seppelt, R Bellomo, M Bailey, DJ Cooper, ...
N Engl J Med 361, 1925-1934, 2009
Intensive insulin therapy and mortality among critically ill patients: a meta-analysis including NICE-SUGAR study data
DEG Griesdale, RJ de Souza, RM van Dam, DK Heyland, DJ Cook, ...
Cmaj 180 (8), 821-827, 2009
Recognizing sepsis as a global health priority—a WHO resolution
K Reinhart, R Daniels, N Kissoon, FR Machado, RD Schachter, S Finfer
New England Journal of Medicine 377 (5), 414-417, 2017
Low-dose dopamine in patients with early renal dysfunction: a placebo-controlled randomised trial. Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Clinical Trials Group.
R Bellomo, M Chapman, S Finfer, K Hickling, J Myburgh
Lancet (London, England) 356 (9248), 2139-2143, 2000
Respiratory rate: the neglected vital sign
MA Cretikos, R Bellomo, K Hillman, J Chen, S Finfer, A Flabouris
Medical Journal of Australia 188 (11), 657-659, 2008
Hypoglycemia and risk of death in critically ill patients
NICE-Sugar Study Investigators
New England Journal of Medicine 367 (12), 1108-1118, 2012
Adjunctive glucocorticoid therapy in patients with septic shock
B Venkatesh, S Finfer, J Cohen, D Rajbhandari, Y Arabi, R Bellomo, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 378 (9), 797-808, 2018
Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation in patients with traumatic brain injury
SAFE Study Investigators
New England Journal of Medicine 357 (9), 874-884, 2007
Prevalence and outcomes of infection among patients in intensive care units in 2017
JL Vincent, Y Sakr, M Singer, I Martin-Loeches, FR Machado, JC Marshall, ...
Jama 323 (15), 1478-1487, 2020
Sedation and delirium in the intensive care unit
MC Reade, S Finfer
New England Journal of Medicine 370 (5), 444-454, 2014
Adult-population incidence of severe sepsis in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units
S Finfer, R Bellomo, J Lipman, C French, G Dobb, J Myburgh
Intensive care medicine 30, 589-596, 2004
Early parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients with short-term relative contraindications to early enteral nutrition: a randomized controlled trial
GS Doig, F Simpson, EA Sweetman, SR Finfer, DJ Cooper, PT Heighes, ...
Jama 309 (20), 2130-2138, 2013
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Articles 1–20