Avi Segal
Cited by
Cited by
System and method for detecting changes in an environment
O Elyada, A Almos, A Segal
US Patent App. 11/133,238, 2006
Orchestrating the emergence of conceptual learning: A case study in a geometry class
BB Schwarz, N Prusak, O Swidan, A Livny, K Gal, A Segal
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 13, 189-211, 2018
Edurank: A collaborative filtering approach to personalization in e-learning
A Segal, Z Katzir, K Gal, G Shani, B Shapira
Educational Data Mining 2014, 2014
Sequencing educational content in classrooms using Bayesian knowledge tracing
YB David, A Segal, Y Gal
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on Learning Analytics …, 2016
Suicide-related calls to a national crisis chat hotline service during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown
G Zalsman, Y Levy, E Sommerfeld, A Segal, D Assa, L Ben-Dayan, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 139, 193-196, 2021
A difficulty ranking approach to personalization in E-learning
A Segal, K Gal, G Shani, B Shapira
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 130, 261-272, 2019
Combining difficulty ranking with multi-armed bandits to sequence educational content
A Segal, Y Ben David, JJ Williams, K Gal, Y Shalom
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 19th International Conference, AIED …, 2018
Intervention Strategies for Increasing Engagement in Crowdsourcing: Platform, Predictions, and Experiments
A Segal, YK Gal, E Kamar, E Horvitz, A Bowyer, G Miller
IJCAI 2016, 2016
Improving productivity in citizen science through controlled intervention
A Segal, Y Gal, RJ Simpson, V Victoria Homsy, M Hartswood, KR Page, ...
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on world wide web, 331-337, 2015
Keeping the teacher in the loop: Technologies for monitoring group learning in real-time
A Segal, S Hindi, N Prusak, O Swidan, A Livni, A Palatnic, B Schwarz, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 18th International Conference, AIED …, 2017
Revisiting citizen science through the lens of hybrid intelligence
J Rafner, M Gajdacz, G Kragh, A Hjorth, A Gander, B Palfi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.14961, 2021
Optimizing interventions via offline policy evaluation: Studies in citizen science
A Segal, K Gal, E Kamar, E Horvitz, G Miller
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Best practices for transparency in machine generated personalization
L Schelenz, A Segal, K Gal
Adjunct Publication of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation …, 2020
Orchestration tools for teachers in the context of individual and collaborative learning: what information do teachers need and what do they do with it?
A van Leeuwen, N Rummel, K Holstein, BM McLaren, V Aleven, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.[ISLS]., 2018
Intelligent recommendations for citizen science
DB Zaken, K Gal, G Shani, A Segal, D Cavalier
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (17), 14693 …, 2021
# confused and beyond: Detecting confusion in course forums using students' hashtags
SA Geller, N Hoernle, K Gal, A Segal, AX Zhang, D Karger, MT Facciotti, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2020
Automatic creativity measurement in scratch programs across modalities
A Kovalkov, B Paaßen, A Segal, N Pinkwart, K Gal
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 14 (6), 740-753, 2021
Inferring creativity in visual programming environments
A Kovalkov, A Segal, K Gal
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 269-272, 2020
New methods for confusion detection in course forums: student, teacher, and machine
SA Geller, K Gal, A Segal, K Sripathi, HG Kim, MT Facciotti, M Igo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 14 (5), 665-679, 2021
Transparency-Check: An Instrument for the Study and Design of Transparency in AI-based Personalization Systems
L Schelenz, A Segal, O Adelio, K Gal
ACM Journal on Responsible Computing 1 (1), 1-18, 2024
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Articles 1–20