abdelhafid abouaissa
abdelhafid abouaissa
Full Professor in Computer Science, University of Haute Alsace
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uha.fr
A survey of outlier detection techniques in IoT: Review and classification
MA Samara, I Bennis, A Abouaissa, P Lorenz
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 11 (1), 4, 2022
Security against rank attack in RPL protocol
MA Boudouaia, A Ali-Pacha, A Abouaissa, P Lorenz
IEEE Network 34 (4), 133-139, 2020
Admission Control enabled On demand Routing (ACOR),"
N Kettaf, A Abouaissa, T Vuduong, P Lorenz
available at draft-kettaf-manet-acor-00. txt, 2006
Impact d'un modèle de propagation réaliste sur un protocole de routage pour les VANETs
J Ledy, H Boeglen, A Abouaissa, B Hilt, R Vauzelle
New path centrality based on operator calculus approach for wireless sensor network deployment
A Syarif, A Abouaissa, L Idoumghar, P Lorenz, R Schott, GS Staples
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 7 (1), 162-173, 2016
Evolutionary multi-objective based approach for wireless sensor network deployment
A Syarif, I Benyahia, A Abouaissa, L Idoumghar, RF Sari, P Lorenz
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1831-1836, 2014
An enhanced AODV protocol for VANETs with realistic radio propagation model validation
J Ledy, H Boeglen, B Hilt, A Abouaissa, R Vauzelle
2009 9th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems …, 2009
E-RPL: A routing protocol for IoT networks
A Zier, A Abouaissa, P Lorenz
2018 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
Performance comparison of modified AODV in reference point group mobility and random waypoint mobility models
H Simaremare, A Syarif, A Abouaissa, RF Sari, P Lorenz
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3542-3546, 2013
A survey of artificial intelligence based wsns deployment techniques and related objectives modeling
K Zaimen, L Moalic, A Abouaissa, L Idoumghar
IEEE Access 10, 113294-113329, 2022
Security and performance enhancement of AODV routing protocol
H Simaremare, A Abouaissa, RF Sari, P Lorenz
International Journal of Communication Systems 28 (14), 2003-2019, 2015
A cross layer admission control on-demand routing protocol for QoS applications
N Kettaf, H Abouaissa, T Vuduong, P Lorenz
Int. J. Computer Science and Network Security 6 (9B), 98, 2006
A load-balancing and push-out scheme for supporting qos in manets
M Brahma, KW Kim, A Abouaissa, P Lorenz
Telecommunication Systems 30 (1), 161-175, 2005
A overview on WSN deployment and a novel conceptual BIM-based approach in smart buildings
K Zaimen, JF Dollinger, L Moalic, A Abouaissa, L Idoumghar
2020 7th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management …, 2020
Operator calculus approach for route optimizing and enhancing wireless sensor network
A Syarif, A Abouaissa, P Lorenz
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 97, 1-10, 2017
Secure AODV routing protocol based on trust mechanism
H Simaremare, A Abouaissa, RF Sari, P Lorenz
Wireless Networks and Security: Issues, Challenges and Research Trends, 81-105, 2013
An efficient heterogeneous key management approach for secure multicast communications in ad hoc networks
N Kettaf, H Abouaissa, P Lorenz
Telecommunication Systems 37, 29-36, 2008
An efficient outlier detection and classification clustering-based approach for WSN
M Al Samara, I Bennis, A Abouaissa, P Lorenz
2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2021
Performance analysis of optimized trust AODV using ant algorithm
H Simaremare, A Abouaissa, RF Sari, P Lorenz
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1843-1848, 2014
Routing method in an ad hoc network
T Vu Duong, N Kettaf, A Hafid, P Lorenz
EP Patent 2,005,668, 2010
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