Zelaya-Angel O
Zelaya-Angel O
Departamento de Fisica, Cinvestav-IPN
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Cited by
Band‐gap shift in CdS semiconductor by photoacoustic spectroscopy: Evidence of a cubic to hexagonal lattice transition
O Zelaya‐Angel, JJ Alvarado‐Gil, R Lozada‐Morales, H Vargas, ...
Applied Physics Letters 64 (3), 291-293, 1994
Dependence of electrical and optical properties of sol–gel prepared undoped cadmium oxide thin films on annealing temperature
J Santos-Cruz, G Torres-Delgado, R Castanedo-Perez, ...
Thin Solid Films 493 (1-2), 83-87, 2005
Characterization of defect levels in chemically deposited CdS films in the cubic-to-hexagonal phase transition
O Vigil, I Riech, M Garcia-Rocha, O Zelaya-Angel
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 15 (4 …, 1997
Low resistivity cubic phase CdS films by chemical bath deposition technique
O De Melo, L Hernández, O Zelaya‐Angel, R Lozada‐Morales, M Becerril, ...
Applied physics letters 65 (10), 1278-1280, 1994
Raman studies in CdS thin films in the evolution from cubic to hexagonal phase
O Zelaya-Angel, F de L Castillo-Alvarado, J Avendano-Lopez, ...
Solid state communications 104 (3), 161-166, 1997
Optical and electrical characterization of fluorine doped cadmium oxide thin films prepared by the sol–gel method
J Santos‐Cruz, G Torres‐Delgado, R Castanedo‐Perez, ...
Thin Solid Films 515 (13), 5381-5385, 2007
Influence of NH3 concentration and annealing in the properties of chemical bath deposited ZnS films
J Vidal, O Vigil, O De Melo, N Lopez, O Zelaya-Angel
Materials Chemistry and Physics 61 (2), 139-142, 1999
Applications of solar and wind renewable energy in agriculture: A review
YJ Acosta-Silva, I Torres-Pacheco, Y Matsumoto, M Toledano-Ayala, ...
Science Progress 102 (2), 127-140, 2019
Photoluminescence in cubic and hexagonal CdS films
R Lozada-Morales, O Zelaya-Angel, G Torres-Delgado
Applied surface science 175, 562-566, 2001
Influence of magnetic field and type of substrate on the growth of ZnS films by chemical bath
J Vidal, O De Melo, O Vigil, N Lopez, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Thin Solid Films 419 (1-2), 118-123, 2002
Influence of thermal annealings in different atmospheres on the band‐gap shift and resistivity of CdS thin films
SA Tomas, O Vigil, JJ Alvarado‐Gil, R Lozada‐Morales, O Zelaya‐Angel, ...
Journal of applied physics 78 (4), 2204-2207, 1995
Electron diffusion and electrochromism in MoO3 amorphous films
O Zelaya‐Angel, C Menezes, F Sanchez‐Sinencio, GFL Ferreira
Journal of Applied Physics 51 (11), 6022-6026, 1980
Photoluminescence analysis of CdS thin films under phase transition
R Lozada-Morales, O Zelaya-Angel
Thin Solid Films 281, 386-389, 1996
Band-gap shift in CdS: phase transition from cubic to hexagonal on thermal annealing
O Zelaya-Angel, L Hernandez, O De Melo, JJ Alvarado-Gil, ...
Vacuum 46 (8-10), 1083-1085, 1995
Sphalerite-wurtzite phase transformation in CdS
O Zelaya-Angel, R Lozada-Morales
Physical Review B 62 (19), 13064, 2000
Structural, morphological, optical and photocatalytic characterization of ZnO–SnO2 thin films prepared by the sol–gel technique
DYT Martínez, RC Pérez, GT Delgado, OZ Ángel
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 235, 49-55, 2012
On the yellow-band emission in CdS films
R Lozada-Morales, O Zelaya-Angel, G Torres-Delgado
Applied Physics A 73, 61-65, 2001
Effect of surface morphology of ZnO electrodeposited on photocatalytic oxidation of methylene blue dye part I: analytical study
JAR Márquez, CMB Rodríguez, CM Herrera, ER Rosas, OZ Angel, ...
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 6 (9), 4059-4069, 2011
Photoacoustic measurements of transparent liquid samples: thermal effusivity
JA Balderas-Lopez, D Acosta-Avalos, JJ Alvarado, O Zelaya-Angel, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 6 (8), 1163, 1995
Structural transition of chemically deposited CdS films on thermal annealing
R Ramírez-Bon, NC Sandoval-Inda, FJ Espinoza-Beltrán, M Sotelo-Lerma, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (45), 10051, 1997
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Articles 1–20