Andrey Chubukov
Andrey Chubukov
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What drives nematic order in iron-based superconductors?
RM Fernandes, AV Chubukov, J Schmalian
Nature physics 10 (2), 97-104, 2014
Magnetism, superconductivity, and pairing symmetry in iron-based superconductors
AV Chubukov, DV Efremov, I Eremin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (13), 134512, 2008
Chiral superconductivity from repulsive interactions in doped graphene
R Nandkishore, LS Levitov, AV Chubukov
Nature Physics 8 (2), 158-163, 2012
Theory of two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets with a nearly critical ground state
AV Chubukov, S Sachdev, J Ye
Physical Review B 49 (17), 11919, 1994
Quantum-critical theory of the spin-fermion model and its application to cuprates: Normal state analysis
A Abanov, AV Chubukov, J Schmalian
Advances in Physics 52 (3), 119-218, 2003
Pairing mechanism in Fe-based superconductors
A Chubukov
Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 3 (1), 57-92, 2012
Preemptive nematic order, pseudogap, and orbital order in the iron pnictides
RM Fernandes, AV Chubukov, J Knolle, I Eremin, J Schmalian
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (2), 024534, 2012
Quantum theory of an antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice in a magnetic field
AV Chubukov, DI Golosov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 (1), 69, 1991
Order from disorder in a kagomé antiferromagnet
A Chubukov
Physical review letters 69 (5), 832, 1992
Manifesto for a higher Tc
DN Basov, AV Chubukov
Nature Physics 7 (4), 272-276, 2011
Chiral, nematic, and dimer states in quantum spin chains
AV Chubukov
Physical Review B 44 (9), 4693, 1991
Charge-density-wave order with momentum and within the spin-fermion model: Continuous and discrete symmetry breaking, preemptive composite …
Y Wang, A Chubukov
Physical Review B 90 (3), 035149, 2014
A relation between the resonance neutron peak and ARPES data in cuprates
A Abanov, AV Chubukov
Physical review letters 83 (8), 1652, 1999
Quantum critical behavior in itinerant electron systems: Eliashberg theory and instability of a ferromagnetic quantum critical point
J Rech, C Pépin, AV Chubukov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (19), 195126, 2006
Spin-fermion model near the quantum critical point: one-loop renormalization group results
A Abanov, AV Chubukov
Physical review letters 84 (24), 5608, 2000
Magnetism, superconductivity, and spontaneous orbital order in iron-based superconductors: Which comes first and why?
AV Chubukov, M Khodas, RM Fernandes
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041045, 2016
Superconductivity and spin-density waves in multiband metals
AB Vorontsov, MG Vavilov, AV Chubukov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (17), 174538, 2010
Instability of the quantum-critical point of itinerant ferromagnets
AV Chubukov, C Pépin, J Rech
Physical review letters 92 (14), 147003, 2004
Magnetic degeneracy and hidden metallicity of the spin-density-wave state in ferropnictides
I Eremin, AV Chubukov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (2), 024511, 2010
Superfluid density and penetration depth in the iron pnictides
AB Vorontsov, MG Vavilov, AV Chubukov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (14), 140507, 2009
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Articles 1–20