Behrend Heeren
Behrend Heeren
Postdoctoral researcher
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Time‐discrete geodesics in the space of shells
B Heeren, M Rumpf, M Wardetzky, B Wirth
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (5), 1755-1764, 2012
Exploring the geometry of the space of shells
B Heeren, M Rumpf, P Schröder, M Wardetzky, B Wirth
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (5), 247-256, 2014
Elastic correspondence between triangle meshes
D Ezuz, B Heeren, O Azencot, M Rumpf, M Ben‐Chen
Computer Graphics Forum 38 (2), 121-134, 2019
Splines in the space of shells
B Heeren, M Rumpf, P Schröder, M Wardetzky, B Wirth
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (5), 111-120, 2016
Shell PCA: statistical shape modelling in shell space
C Zhang, B Heeren, M Rumpf, WAP Smith
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 1671-1679, 2015
Working memory capacity and the functional connectome-insights from resting-state fMRI and voxelwise centrality mapping
S Markett, M Reuter, B Heeren, B Lachmann, B Weber, C Montag
Brain imaging and behavior 12 (1), 238-246, 2018
Principal geodesic analysis in the space of discrete shells
B Heeren, C Zhang, M Rumpf, W Smith
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (5), 173-184, 2018
Voxelwise eigenvector centrality mapping of the human functional connectome reveals an influence of the catechol-O-methyltransferase val158met polymorphism …
S Markett, C Montag, B Heeren, R Saryiska, B Lachmann, B Weber, ...
Brain Structure and Function 221, 2755-2765, 2016
Variational time discretization of Riemannian splines
B Heeren, M Rumpf, B Wirth
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 39 (1), 61-104, 2019
Discrete geodesic regression in shape space
B Berkels, PT Fletcher, B Heeren, M Rumpf, B Wirth
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 9th …, 2013
Geometric optimization using nonlinear rotation-invariant coordinates
J Sassen, B Heeren, K Hildebrandt, M Rumpf
Computer Aided Geometric Design 77, 101829, 2020
Optimization of the branching pattern in coherent phase transitions
P Dondl, B Heeren, M Rumpf
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 354 (6), 639-644, 2016
Numerical methods in shape spaces and optimal branching patterns
B Heeren
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2017
Statistical shape analysis of tap roots: a methodological case study on laser scanned sugar beets
B Heeren, S Paulus, H Goldbach, H Kuhlmann, AK Mahlein, M Rumpf, ...
BMC bioinformatics 21, 1-17, 2020
Geodätische im Raum von Schalenformen
B Heeren
diploma thesis, 2011
Consistent curvature approximation on Riemannian shape spaces
A Effland, B Heeren, M Rumpf, B Wirth
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 42 (1), 78-106, 2022
Solving Variational Problems Using Nonlinear Rotation-invariant Coordinates.
J Sassen, B Heeren, K Hildebrandt, M Rumpf
SGP Posters, 1-2, 2019
Shape space–a paradigm for character animation in computer graphics
B Heeren, M Rumpf
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020
Discrete Riemannian calculus on shell space
B Heeren, M Rumpf, M Wardetzky, B Wirth
Handbook of Numerical Analysis 21, 621-679, 2020
Image and Surface Processing
B Heeren, M Rumpf
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Articles 1–20