Weiai Wayne Xu
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Cited by
Predicting opinion leaders in Twitter activism networks: The case of the Wisconsin recall election
WW Xu, Y Sang, S Blasiola, HW Park
American Behavioral Scientist 58 (10), 1278-1293, 2014
The more attacks, the more retweets: Trump’s and Clinton’s agenda setting on Twitter
J Lee, W Xu
Public Relations Review 44 (2), 201-213, 2018
Does stakeholder engagement pay off on social media? A social capital perspective
W Xu, GD Saxton
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 48 (1), 28-49, 2019
Tweeting about emergency: A semantic network analysis of government organizations’ social media messaging during Hurricane Harvey
W Liu, CH Lai, WW Xu
Public relations review 44 (5), 807-819, 2018
Networked cultural diffusion and creation on YouTube: An analysis of YouTube memes
WW Xu, JY Park, JY Kim, HW Park
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 60 (1), 104-122, 2016
Twitter hashtags for health: applying network and content analyses to understand the health knowledge sharing in a Twitter-based community of practice
WW Xu, IH Chiu, Y Chen, T Mukherjee
Quality & Quantity 49, 1361-1380, 2015
Sentiment, richness, authority, and relevance model of information sharing during social Crises—the case of# MH370 tweets
WW Xu, C Zhang
Computers in Human Behavior 89, 199-206, 2018
Talking to the broadcasters on Twitter: Networked gatekeeping in Twitter conversations with journalists
WW Xu, M Feng
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 58 (3), 420-437, 2014
Developing a multi-level organization-public dialogic communication framework to assess social media-mediated disaster communication and engagement outcomes
W Liu, WW Xu, JYJ Tsai
Public relations review 46 (4), 101949, 2020
Measuring international relations in social media conversations
GA Barnett, WW Xu, J Chu, K Jiang, C Huh, JY Park, HW Park
Government Information Quarterly 34 (1), 37-44, 2017
How people protect their privacy on Facebook: A cost‐benefit view
A Vishwanath, W Xu, Z Ngoh
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69 (5 …, 2018
Mapping connective actions in the global alt-right and Antifa counterpublics
International Journal of Communication 14, 22, 2020
The networked cultural diffusion of Korean wave
WW Xu, JY Park, HW Park
Online Information Review 39 (1), 43-60, 2015
Organizational disaster communication ecology: Examining interagency coordination on social media during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
W Liu, W Xu, B John
American Behavioral Scientist 65 (7), 914-933, 2021
Longitudinal dynamics of the cultural diffusion of Kpop on YouTube
WW Xu, J Park, HW Park
Quality & Quantity 51, 1859-1875, 2017
What drives hyper-partisan news sharing: Exploring the role of source, style, and content
WW Xu, Y Sang, C Kim
Digital Journalism 8 (4), 486-505, 2020
Tweeting to (selectively) engage: How government agencies target stakeholders on Twitter during Hurricane Harvey
W Liu, W Xu
International Journal of Communication 13, 23, 2019
The world is not flat: Evaluating the inequality in global information gatekeeping through website co-mentions
GA Barnett, JB Ruiz, WW Xu, JY Park, HW Park
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 117, 38-45, 2017
Image attributes and diffusion via Twitter: The case of# guncontrol
MA Stefanone, GD Saxton, MJ Egnoto, W Wei, Y Fu
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1788-1797, 2015
Networked Creativity on the Censored Web 2.0: Chinese Users' Twitter-based Activities on the Issue of Internet Censorship.
WW Xu, M Feng
Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia 14 (1), 2015
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Articles 1–20